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Area of Focus
Education Sector

BiSS-Transfer – Education Through Language and Writing

Education through Language and Writing (Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift, BiSS) is a research and development programme, in which groups of child day care centres and schools work together closely in order to exchange their experiences and to implement coordinated language education measures. In March 2020 the second phase of the project ("BiSS-Transfer") has been started.

Campus Schools Frankfurt

How can educational researchers, school practitioners and (initial) teacher training in Frankfurt and the surrounding area collaborate and benefit from each other with a long-term perspective? In the Campus Schools Programme, we are establishing strong and sustainable collaborations at the interface between theory and practice and develop them further together.

CERES – Connecting the EdTech Research EcoSystem

CERES is an international research network that brings together and supports various efforts to develop digital learning technologies. The network creates collaborative opportunities to advance science in the field of children and technology quickly and effectively.

CIDER IV – College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research

The College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER) is an interdisciplinary program for promoting early career researchers in the field of empirical educational research – especially at the beginning of their postdoc phase. CIDER aims to foster their independence and to support interdisciplinary networking and collaborations.