WieSeL – Knowledge, Application, Promotion: Self-Regulation Competence of Teachers

The WieSeL project deals with the self-regulatory competence of teachers. The focus is on identifying which aspects of teacher competence support teachers’ promotion of self-regulation of learning among their students.

Project Description

The WieSeL project studies aspects of teacher competence that support teachers’ promotion of self-regulation of learning among their students. Based on empirical findings, we assume that first, teachers need knowledge about what self-regulated learning and teaching is before they can self-regulate their own teaching and promote self-regulation of learning among their students. The project aims to examine the role of teachers’ knowledge about self-regulation for their promotion of self-regulation in the classroom.

Project structure

Several studies are planned within the project. First, we will investigate how to assess teachers’ knowledge about self-regulation in a valid and reliable way. Subsequently, we plan intervention studies to identify conditions for successful short-term interventions to foster teachers’ self-regulation competence.

Project Objectives

The project aims at identifying which aspects of professional teacher competence benefit teachers’ promotion of self-regulation of learning among their students. To this end, we investigate teachers’ beliefs, their self-efficacy to be able to foster self-regulation effectively, teachers’ own self-regulation, as well as their knowledge about self-regulation. In the first phase of the project, we focus on developing a knowledge test to assess declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge about self-regulation. Furthermore, we will test the effectiveness of short teacher interventions empirically.


Logo Emmy Noether Programme

Project Management

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Dignath

Project Details

Current project
Area of Focus Differential Educational Conditions and Educational Trajectories
Department: Teacher and Teaching Quality
Education Sector: Science
04/2020 – 03/2026
External funding
Contact: Prof. Dr. Charlotte Dignath, Associated Researcher
