CERES – Connecting the EdTech Research EcoSystem

CERES is an international research network that brings together and supports various efforts to develop digital learning technologies. The network creates collaborative opportunities to advance science in the field of children and technology quickly and effectively.

Project Description

The Connecting the EdTech Research Ecosystem (CERES) network promotes collaboration between researchers and companies in the field of educational technology (EdTech) that are working on technological applications for the education sector. CERES brings together world-leading researchers from various fields and the EdTech industry to tailor digital learning technologies for children more effectively. The network also addresses the growing inequality in access to digital learning opportunities and trains the next generation of researchers in various disciplines in academia and industry. The project team at the DIPF investigates various conditions for successful learning and develops digital tools for individualised interventions.

Project Objectives

In particular, the international research network pursues three project aims:

  • Advancing leadership: Representing over 10 universities including UCI, Cambridge, and the University of Ghana
  • Training the next generation: Predocs and Postdocs participate in our scholars program, supported by coursework, workshops, mentoring, retreats, collaboration, and funding opportunities.
  • Partnering with industry: Bi-directional relationships with internships and shared research connected leaders in Edtech


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Project Management

Prof. Dr. Garvin Brod

Project Team

Project Details

Current project
Areas of focus
Department: Education and Human Development
Education Sectors: Extracurricular Learning, Early Childhood Education, Higher Education, Primary and Secondary Education, Science
06/2024 – 06/2026
External funding
Contact: Prof. Dr. Garvin Brod, Head of Unit