TALIS Video Study for Germany

The TALIS Video Study for Germany assesses mathematics instruction in 85 classrooms in Germany based on video recordings, questionnaires, and tests.

Project Description

The TALIS Video Study for Germany is funded by the Leibniz Association and is linked to the international video study Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS-Video). DIPF is in charge of running the project in collaboration with a research network (link in German). The study aims at gaining deeper insights into instructional processes for mathematics and finding out how these processes are connected to students’ learning outcomes.

A team of researchers will monitor a mathematical teaching unit on quadratic equations in 85 mathematics classrooms in lower secondary classes. Video footage of lessons, teacher and student questionnaires and achievement tests for the students are combined to glean a holistic picture of mathematics instruction and link instructional characteristics with student learning outcomes.

Preliminary Study

The teacher and student questionnaires as well as achievement test instruments used in the TALIS Video Study for Germany will be tested in approximately 20 classes in Bavaria, North-Rhine Westphalia and Hamburg. Video recordings of selected mathematics lessons are used to develop assessment instruments for the main study.


The study is funded by the Leibniz Association.


Project Management

Project Details

Completed Projects
Department: Teacher and Teaching Quality
01/2017 – 12/2020
External funding
Contact: Dr. Juliane Grünkorn, Head of Service Center