The archive of the BBF | Reseach Library for the History of Education at DIPF collects, preserves and indexes archival material of significance to educational history.

The BBF archive is a special archive for the history of education and learning as well as the history of the educational discipline. It stores central documents such as private and institutional documents, bequests and collections, manuscripts and photographs. In addition to collections from private sources, materials from organisations and institutions with no mandatory deposit to state or other archives are acquired. The archive also includes the Institutional Archive of the DIPF, the archive of the base organisation. The holdings are systematically expanded and processed according to archival principles; they are available to the public for research. In organisational terms, the archive is a unit of the BBF | Library for Educational History Research.

At present, the archival materials amount to approximately 1,800 linear metres. It is divided into four large groups:

A. Historical Archive
B. Archive of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the GDR (APW)
C. Acquisitions since 1992
D. Institutional Archive of the DIPF

Archive Database