KonsortSWD Helpdesk – A Guide in the Network of Research Data Infrastructures

A single point of access simplifies access to the various data infrastructures organized within KonsortSWD. A helpdesk provides targeted contacts and refers to offers and information from the data infrastructures in the social, educational, behavioural, and economic sciences that are part of KonsortSWD.

  • The helpdesk is being set up as part of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). We aim to make the services and data infrastructures of KonsortSWD NFDI4Society – the consortium for the social, behavioural, educational and economic sciences within the NFDI – easily accessible. A high differentiation of data services within KonsortSWD means finding suitable services and information can involve a considerable research effort. To increase access and thus the usability of the existing and developing infrastructures for research, this project will set up a central access point. Guided by the questions and needs of the target group, the helpdesk draws on the knowledge of a broad network of research and infrastructure experts. Driven by the inquiry, the helpdesk will direct requests to the appropriate person or service. For possible topics, see access to or provision of research data, the compliant collection and sharing of research data, and aspects of data documentation. Additionally, information on training, guidelines and tools can be requested from the helpdesk. Together with partners from KonsortSWD and the RatSWD, a technical infrastructure is being implemented to enable quick and easy contact. To provide targeted information upon request, ways are being developed and continuously expanded of identifying and contacting the best experts for each given question within KonsortSWD. Working in close cooperation with other KonsortSWD institutions, frequently asked questions and concerns are addressed to further develop the information and infrastructure offers in a way that meets the needs of the target group. In addition to KonsortSWD, other NFDI consortia are setting up similar helpdesks. These various helpdesks are in exchange and they are networking.

    • Low-threshold access to information and data infrastructures in KonsortSWD
    • Networking and knowledge transfer of existing infrastructures
    • Usable development of information services and data infrastructures
  • KonsortSWD, particularly GESIS, LIfBI, GWDG, WZB, and the office of the RatSWD

  • Status:
    Current project
    Area of Focus Open Science
    Department: Information Centre for Education
    Education Sectors: Higher Education, Science
    06/2024 – 09/2025
    External funding
    Contact: Robert Herrenbrück, Academic Staff