DIPF develops, records, and communicates knowledge about education in a combination of infrastructure, research, and knowledge transfer that is singular in Germany.
The institute provides data and tools for empirical and historical educational research as well as for educational science pursuing the Open Science approach. It transfers specialised knowledge to the scientific community and engages in exchanges through networks and academic events. DIPF also advises and supports researchers in building national and international connections and collaborations, provides spaces for exchange, and offers support to researchers in their qualification phases.
The institute provides a wide range of transfer and support programmes specifically designed for academics:
Libraries and Specialised Literature
- Library and Archive of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education
- Educational Research Library Frankfurt and Frankfurt Teachers' Library
- German Education Portal and Open Access Repository peDOCS
- Specialised Academic Publications: expert reports for journals, position papers and policy briefs
- Thematic Literature Reviews
- AI-Assisted Literature Search
- User Support for Libraries and Archives
Research Data for Free Reuse – In the Spirit of Open Science
- German Network of Educational Research Data and Research Data Centre for Education: Stamp data management plan, advice and services for research data
- Open Science Guidelines: Usability and openness of research and information infrastructures
- Knowledge Graph Education
- Digital Archives: ScriptaPaedagogica and PicturaPaedagogica
- Data Papers from Bildungsgeschichte.de
Infrastructure Centres
- IDeA Research Laboratories: Laboratory services and the REDCap data collection tool
- Centre for Technology-Based Assessment (TBA Centre)
Consulting and Networking
- Transfer Service: Designing transfer processes and products
- Academic Support Structures: IDeA Centre, Campus Schools, studiumdigitale, GRADE Education Centre
- Digital History of Education Lab: Testing and promotion of digital methods
- Event Activities: Lectures, training sessions, (doctoral) workshops and more, e.g. on methods and sources
- BBF Scholarship Programme: Supporting (international) networking of the history of education community
- Advice and Support for External Projects: From proposal submission to results documentation
- Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Projects