User interaction with digital offers provided by the Information Centre for Education and their information needs are studied by monitoring, researching and evaluating the user information behaviour in order to achieve an optimal presentation of the infrastructures.

Usage Monitoring with Web Analysis

The use of the DIPF education portals is regularly monitored. Web analysis methods are used to collect anonymous usage data in compliance with data protection regulations. The main aim is to gain a better understanding of how visitors interact with the portals. This includes analysing which content is popular, how users navigate through the pages and what they are looking for. These insights into information behaviour provide valuable information on potential areas in which the infrastructures can be further improved.

Web analytics data is also used in research. It is used for studies on online information behaviour, such as search or content usage. Methodological approaches to web analysis are also studied, in comparison to the practices of other scientific institutions. This application-oriented research is part of an open data culture and contributes significantly to knowledge transfer within the scientific community.

Information Access through Search Engine Optimisation

Internet search engines are the most important channel through which visitors access the DIPF education portals. It is therefore very important that the infrastructure is optimised for search engines. Therefore, it is essential to optimise the infrastructure for search engines. This ensures that the DIPF education portals are placed as high up as possible in the search engine results pages so that they are easy for users to find. To this end, data from major search engines is regularly analysed in order to carry out targeted SEO measures on the portals. There are three main areas of focus:

  1. IT hygiene, e.g. page reference structure
  2. information architecture, including the structure of individual pages or the improvement of metadata
  3. content planning and creation, including responding to user search queries

Targeted search engine optimisation helps users to find the information on the education portals more easily and thus significantly increases the visibility and reach of DIPF's services.


In order to keep pace with the dynamics of digital change, the DIPF's infrastructures are regularly evaluated and developed accordingly. User surveys are conducted at regular intervals to determine information needs, user behaviour and personal assessments of the DIPF's services. Both quantitative and qualitative surveys from the information and social sciences are used for this purpose. The aim is to analyse the needs of target groups, learn more about the use and usability of existing services, but also to develop new services together with users using the design thinking approach. The impact of new AI-supported infrastructures and applications on the information behaviour of researchers is also being investigated. New AI technologies, Open Science and Open Educational Practices pose challenges for infrastructures, but their further development can specifically support and drive technological change.
The evaluation of the IZB portals is complemented by analyses of existing digital infrastructures in the area of education and educational research in order to contribute to a target group-oriented and mutually compatible ecosystem of digital infrastructures in this area. The focus is on infrastructures for Open Educational Resources, their target group-friendly description with metadata and their support of open teaching and research practices.