BiSS-Tool-Database – Tools for Linguistic Education
The BiSS-Tool-Database is a scientific-based information platform for educational staff that contains descriptions of tools for assessing and promoting children’s language, reading, and writing skills. It aims at assisting educational staff in the development of their institutions’ support programs.
The tool database is a scientific-based information platform that aims at assisting educational staff in the development of support programs regarding the area of language, reading, and writing. The platform contains detailed descriptions of diagnostic tools and support tools that can be implemented in specific language support programs to enhance their quality. The descriptions display information on the scientific background of a tool and its range of use. Users find informations about the specific area a tool is made for, such as phonology, articulation, morphology and syntax, grammar, communication, metalinguistic abilities, reading fluency and reading comprehension, spelling, and text production.
The descriptions also contain information about the resources needed to use a tool, or for which age group or subgroup of pupils a tool is suitable (e.g., pupils with weak reading abilities, primary school children, children with German as a second language). The tool data base can also be used by teachers and early childhood professionals to select tools for the diagnosis or support of specific competencies.
All in all, the tool database contains:
- Descriptions of diagnostic tools in the area of language, reading and writing
- Descriptions of tools/materials/measures for supporting children’s language, reading and writing development
- Quality checks of the diagnostic and support tools
- Recommended tools for the individual diagnosis based on minimum standards
- Information on the minimum standards
- A search mask
- A glossary
- Information on diagnostic tools for children who have recently immigrated to Germany
- An archive containing training materials for educational staff in the area of language, reading and writing support developed within the networks of educational staff (=Verbünde) (2013 - 2019).
The BiSS-Tool-Database was established as part of the initiative "Education through Language and Literacy" (Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift - BiSS; 2013 to 2019) and its follow-up initiative "Transfer of Language Education, Reading and Writing Support" (BiSS-Transfer; 2020 to 2025).
- Mercator-Institut für Sprachförderung und Deutsch als Zweitsprache: Prof. Dr. Michael Becker-Mrotzek and Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Roth
- Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (IQB): Dr. Sofie Henschel and Prof. Dr. Petra Stanat
Target Audience: Educational Research, Educational Practice Type of Content: Information in Education, Research Data & Tools, Individual Support, Literature & Sources, Further Education & Professionalisation Online since: 03/2014Department: Education and Human Development Contact: Web Address