Bildungswiki Klimawandel (Educational Wiki Climate Change)

The Climate Change Wiki offers comprehensible information on climate change and its consequences based on scientific research. The wiki articles target the education sector and didactic teaching material is included.


The Climate Change Wiki is an encyclopedia on anthropogenic (man-made) climate change and its consequences, which can be used by students to acquire basic knowledge independently. The articles are based on up-to-date and approved scientific research results that have been published in renowned scientific journals and are included in reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The wiki covers topics on the climate system, climate history, climate change and its consequences. The articles are accessible systematically, by category and alphabetically and are enriched by climate data and students' school work on the relevant topics. Furthermore, a collection of links to teaching materials for primary and secondary school is offered..


Education Server Hamburg, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) German Climate Computing Center (Dieter Kasang)


Target Audience: Educational Practice, General Public
Type of Content: Information in Education
Online since:
Department: Information Centre for Education
Web Address