Library Catalogue of the BBF

The BBF library catalogue (BBFKat) indexes the entire holdings of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education.


The BBFKat indexes the monographs, anthologies, journals, and so-called "grey literature" (literature not published by regular publishing houses) of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education, regardless of whether they are available in print, digitised or electronic formats. The oldest book dates from 1494. A notable feature of the BBFKat is its indexing of essays on the history of education from its collection. All titles are catalogued in depth with subject headings.

The BBFKat makes freely accessible literature, in particular digitised holdings of BBF in its text archive ScriptaPaedagogica, available directly from the catalogue. Some digital materials are restricted to on-site access at the BBF due to copyright issues.

The BBFKat also provides public lists of the monthly new acquisitions or special holdings of the BBF, such as e-journals or digitised GDR curricula.



Target Audience: Educational Research, Educational Practice, Education Policy, General Public
Type of Content: Information in Education, History of Education, Teaching & Learning, Literature & Sources
Online since:
Department: BBF | Research Library for the History of Education
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