OERinfo – Information Service Open Educational Resources
OERinfo offers infrastructures to assist people in spreading and making available open educational resources (OER). The portal provides transfer services to expand competencies in handling OER and draws attention to the topic by holding diverse information and communication services.
OERinfo is a thematically focused online portal which offers specific target groups like teachers as well as the public at large information about openly available education resources (OER). The OERinfo blog and the podcast zugehOERt as well as social media channels have turned the portal into a central access point for the OER community in Germany. A number of services are offered for the interested parties. Particularly people who are less experienced with producing and sharing OER will find guidance and explanatory videos on OER here, e.g. on legal matters. During the weekly online consultation “Open ThOERsday”, interested parties can enter into dialogue with OERinfo.
OERinfo also offers the OER world map as a service documenting OER projects and actors across the world. Another OERinfo objective concerns the identification of new communities which have emerged from or are organised outside existing funding structures or addressing people who have so far had little contact with OER via systematic mapping. To reach out to practitioners and researchers in education, regular networking events of varying kinds are organised. Altogether, the OER community shall thus be strengthened and enhanced.
Target Audience: Educational Research, Educational Practice, Education Policy Type of Content: Information in Education, Digital Learning & Educational Technologies, Research Data & Tools, Teaching & Learning, Literature & Sources, Further Education & Professionalisation Online since: 08/2017Department: Information Centre for Education Contact: Web Address