The Research Data Centre for Education (FDZ Bildung) constitutes an important element of a national data infrastructure in the area of empirical educational research. Its tasks encompass archiving and making available research data for reusage by the community of researchers, focusing on documenting qualitative research data and quantitative assessment instruments. By means of detailed documentation, the services target an advanced transparency and traceability of research processes and outcomes as well as secondary usage of research data.

At DIPF, the Research Data Education Alliance (VerbundFDB) and the Research Data Centre for Education (FDZ Bildung) store scientific data and prepare them for the purpose of re-usage, offering educational researchers a reliable repository for the data they have assessed. DIPF researchers are not only engaged in making data available but also in assessing research data themselves, e.g. pertaining to large-scale studies such as NEPS, PISA or PIAAC.

In the cooperation "Sharing and Reusing Data" (ShaReD), people from data infrastructures and educational research at the DIPF are working across departments to make research data more easily accessible to science and to make available data more usable.