The department analyses individual and differential developmental processes in both formal and non-formal learning environments, adding an individual perspective to the DIPF’s scope of research.
The department focuses on the individual development of children in educational contexts. In the field of basic research, the crucial issue concerns individual prerequisites and conditions necessary for the development of successful learning, such as motivational and volitional dispositions as well as manifold cognitive competencies. Differential analyses of individual educational pathways are based on longitudinal studies.
In addition to the basic research of the department, practical applications focus on individual diagnostics and support in kindergarten and school: Diagnostic procedures are developed and standardised for assessing individual learning dispositions and learning disorders. Existing approaches of individual support programmes (e.g. acquistion of reading skills) and prevention of educational failure (e.g. language training) are evaluated. Part of our practical research is also designing and validating own approaches as well as the scientific monitoring of pilot projects.
The overall objective is to obtain theoretically and empirically based foundations for designing educational processes across the lifespan – with focus on early education – so that deeper insights can be gained into the potentials for development and the possibilities for changing individual behaviour and experiences.
Important activities in infrastructure and networking are brought together in the department:
- The coordination of the Leibniz Education Research Network,
- the coordination and laboratories of the Center for Research on Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk (IDeA),
- the participation in the joint initiative Education Through Language and Writing and
- the participation in the joint initiative LONDI – The development of an online platform for diagnosis and remediation of children with learning disabilities.
Cognitive Development
For the development of learning, change processes at different time levels play a crucial role. Our lab investigates the multivariate dynamics of such processes with empirical studies on the intraindividual variability of cognitive performance and emotional wellbeing, as well as relevant determinants, in everyday and school contexts.
Development of Successful Learning
Particular difficulties in acquiring written language and mathematics increase the risk of children's educational failure. The diagnosis, prevention and overcoming of such learning and performance difficulties, e.g. through individual support, is a central part of the research in this department unit.
IDeA Labs
The IDeA Labs are part of the IDeA Centre, where the development of children with educational risks is empirically investigated. The lab structure includes facilities, testing equipment, as well as personnel and serves to support researchers in conducting behavior-based and neuroscientific studies.
At the IDeA Centre, the development and learning of children with educational risks is studied interdisciplinarily. The coordination is responsible for networking, public relations, events, membership promotion and administration of the centre and serves as a unit of the Scientific Board.
Individualised Interventions
We develop psychological interventions that improve children’s educational prospects. To this end, we research how children acquire knowledge and how this process can be promoted. And we develop technologies that help integrate interventions into everyday life and promote self-regulated learning.
Prof. Dr. Marcus HasselhornContact
- BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development
- BiSS-Transfer – Education Through Language and Writing
- CERES – Connecting the EdTech Research EcoSystem
- CIDER IV – College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research
- Campus Schools Frankfurt
- DYNAMIC – Dynamic Network Approach of Mental Health in Children and Adolescents
- EAGLeS – English Acquisition in German Learning Disabled Students
- FLINK – How to Read Fluently: Individual Intervention of Reading Competencies
- GamA – Gamified Assessment
- Hector – Scientific Support for the Hector Children's Academies in Hessen and Baden-Württemberg
- IDeA Taskforce Recruitment – Participation in Research Projects of the IDeA Centre
- INCLASS – Inclusion of Children on the Autism Spectrum in School
- InSel – Recognise Internalising Symptoms and Respond Professionally
- LEGA – Elementary School Age Reading Strategies
- LONDI 2 – Implementation and Evaluation of the LONDI Platform for Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disorders
- Mental Health in School
- MotivO – Reading Motivation and Reading Achievement across Orthographies
- PREDICT – Prediction Generation as a Tool to Activate Children’s Prior Knowledge and Improve Learning
- PROM3THEUS – Practical Orientation, Methodology, and Theory Development in Educational Research
- PROMPT – Optimizing Self-Regulated Learning Processes With Digital Prompts
- RABE 2 – Risk Factors and Consequences of Learning Difficulties up to Early Adulthood
- Rocket – The Role of Orthographic Knowledge in Reading and Spelling Development
- SchuMaS - Schule macht stark
- The Multidimensional Self-concept in School Contexts: Extending Empirical Findings
- zEbra – Social Belonging in the Real and Digital World
Online Resources
- BiSS-Tool-Database – Tools for Linguistic Education
- LONDI – Online Platform for the Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disorders
- Rebecca Aissa, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Chimezie Obioma Amaefule, Associated Researcher, Individualised Interventions
- PD Dr. Katrin Arens, Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Friederike Blume, Post-doc Researcher, Cognitive Development
- Prof. Dr. Janin Brandenburg, Associated Researcher, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Jasmin Breitwieser, Academic Staff, Individualised Interventions
- Prof. Dr. Garvin Brod, Head of Unit, Individualised Interventions
- Dr. Nina Brück, Coordinator, Development of Successful Learning
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Büttner, Associated Researcher, Development of Successful Learning
- Verena Diel, Dipl.-Psych., Officer
- Prof. Dr. em. Lutz Eckensberger, Emeritus
- Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Ehm, Associated Researcher, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Anne Fischbach, Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Elena Galeano Weber, Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Zoe Gallagher, Assistant, IDeA-Coordination
- Dr. Sabrina Geyer, Associated Researcher, Development of Successful Learning
- Katharina Grunewald, Assistant
- Prof. Dr. Marcus Hasselhorn, Director, Development of Successful Learning
- Elfriede Holstein, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Individualised Interventions
- Dr. Andrea Irmer, Academic Staff, Cognitive Development
- Fenke Kachisi, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Development of Successful Learning
- Maike Knodt, M.A., Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Sebastian Korinth, Academic Staff, IDeA Labs
- Ann-Kathrin Krause, Doctoral Candidate, Individualised Interventions
- Lisa Leszczensky, M.A., Coordinator
- Dr. Lucas Lörch, Academic Staff, Individualised Interventions
- Dr. Patrick Lösche, Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Jelena Marković, Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Katharina Merz, Assistant, IDeA-Coordination
- Leonie Mouret, Associated Researcher, Cognitive Development
- Dr. Telse Nagler, Post-doc Researcher, Development of Successful Learning
- Gabriele Naumann-Dietzsch, Assistant, Cognitive Development
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Neubauer, Associated Researcher, Cognitive Development
- Lea Nobbe, Doctoral Candidate, Individualised Interventions
- Katharina Ochs, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Cognitive Development
- Dr. Björn Rump, Head of Unit, IDeA Labs
- Marisa Rüsenberg, M.Ed., Doctoral Candidate, Development of Successful Learning
- Aamir Sajjad, Software Engineer, IDeA Labs
- Mirijam Schaaf, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Individualised Interventions
- Dr. Martin Schastak, Academic Staff, Cognitive Development
- Prof. Dr. Florian Schmiedek, Head of Unit, Cognitive Development
- Dr. Alexandra Schmitterer, Associated Researcher
- Theresa Serratore, Doctoral Candidate, Cognitive Development
- Carolyn Seybel, M.A., Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Rebecca Silva von Heesen, Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Anne Sosin, Associated Researcher, Cognitive Development
- Somphop Sukjaitham, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Individualised Interventions
- Prof. Dr. Maria Theobald, Associated Researcher, Individualised Interventions
- Dr. Kathleen Thomas, Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Cora Titz, Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Linda Visser, Associated Researcher, Development of Successful Learning
- Dr. Carlo Vreden, Academic Staff, Individualised Interventions
- Hanna Wagner, Dipl.-Psych., Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Susanne Weber, Dipl.-Psych., Academic Staff, Development of Successful Learning
- Leonie Weindorf, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Development of Successful Learning
- Joana Wende, Assistant, Cognitive Development
- Dr. Lena Wieland, Academic Staff, Cognitive Development
- Dr. Annett Wilde, Coordinator, IDeA Labs
- Dr. Jeanette Ziehm-Eicher, Head of Unit, IDeA-Coordination