The department of Educational Governance focuses on the investigation of educational attainment processes.


The department focuses on societal, structural and institutional conditions influencing the acquisition of education. Projects investigate the potential of the education system, an investigation of the education system, how equal opportunities and chances can be guaranteed and how effective (individual) educational reforms, development programmes and governance instruments are. The researchers are particularly interested in the role played by institutional and individual conditional factors for successful or failing educational careers.

The investigations highlight a study of educational transitions and trajectories and consequences for further educational acquisition depending on individual resources and institutional respectively organisational features of the education system. In particular the question of social inequality and its role in educational processes are examined. In this context, the effects of structural changes and reforms in education and the linkage of science and practice in terms of a successful transfer are also investigated.

Findings from the deparment's work will deliver important information for an evidence-supported and sustainable governance of the education system while the findings are also entered into educational reporting.

The department can be summarised by four focal areas represented by four areas of work which are interrelated. The department centrally focuses on the national report on education and the projects SchuMaS and Abiba Meta.


Educational Monitoring and Reporting

The unit's projects monitor, analyse and interpret data-based developments in the education system and conduct indicator research for educational reporting.

Educational Structures and Reforms

This unit examines structural and organisational changes in schools, as well as administrative educational reforms in the school system. It investigates the intended and unintended effects of these changes on the quality and effectiveness of schools.

Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers

The unit examines how inequalities in educational attainment arise and how they can be reduced. It also focuses on the digitisation of education.

Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research

In close cooperation with practitioners, the unit investigates how to link academic and practical school expertise. The joint development of interventions and the study of quality improvement in all-day schooling complement the research work.


Prof. Dr. Kai Maaz





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