The department of Teacher and Teaching Quality (TTQ) focuses on the investigation of quality and effectiveness of educational processes.
The Department for Teacher and Teaching Quality deals with the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical processes in instructional settings, schools and universities – in both its research and science services. A priority is placed on researching the professionalization of pedagogical staff. These tasks require a conceptual description and assessment of academic achievement, competencies and other individual variables as prerequisites to successful learning.
The research and services are committed to an understanding of empirical educational research which emphasises a need for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration and methodological diversity. A diverse methodological approach is chosen which comprises multi-cohort longitudinal studies on competence development, video analyses, intervention studies, laboratory experiments for the analysis of learning processes, secondary analyses as well as computer-based test and survey instruments. The following thematic priorities are focused
- Teachers‘ professional competencies
- Multi-criterial assessment of instructional effects
- Measurement and modelling of learning processes and learning outcomes
The Department participates in international large-scale assessments such as PISA and the TALIS video study for Germany. At a national level, it is involved in the Centre for International Student Assessment (ZIB) and the National Education Panel Study (NEPS). The Department co-ordinates the Leibniz network for instructional research.
In addition, the department is concerned with how research findings can be turned into results into practice-relevant knowledge for teachers, and what role the collaboration between educational collaboration between educational researchers and practitioners.
BETTER: Research-Practice Partnerships and Research on Transfer to Educational Practice
BETTER stands for "Bring Educational Research to Teachers and Teachers' Experiences back to Research". We investigate and support the transfer of knowledge and interactions between educational research and school practice.
Educational Measurement
Researchers of the research unit "Educational Measurement" investigate how educational outcomes and the effects of learning opportunities can be measures. To this end, it deals with the necessary methodological foundations.
Diversity and Education
The "Diversity and Education" unit focuses on the role of various dimensions of diversity (e.g. gender or background) in educational settings.
Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
The unit "Teaching and Learning in School Contexts" studies instructional processes that are particularly suitable for promoting students' cognitive and motivational developments respectively how teachers can succeed in creating such conducive learning environments.
Technology-Based Assessment
The "Technology-Based Assessment" unit (TBA) investigates how assessment procedures (e.g., competency tests) can be improved, extended, and made practically usable through digital methods.
- AMSel – ADHS-Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Self-Regulation Interventions
- AltSRL - Assessing Alternative Measures of Self-Regulated Learning
- COACTIV-expeRt – Development and Impact of Teachers’ Professional Competence – A Longitudinal Study over 10 Years
- Campus Schools Frankfurt
- DiSO – Digital Teaching/Learning & Student Outcomes: A Second Order Meta-Analysis
- E-CER – In Search for the Good Teacher – Centre for Excellence in Research
- EffecT – Explaining Inconsistent Effects of Teaching Quality on Educational Outcomes
- EiKlar – EEG in the classroom
- Evaluation of the preparatory service in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- GEN-CORE – Generic Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education
- Hector – Scientific Support for the Hector Children's Academies in Hessen and Baden-Württemberg
- IDeA Taskforce Recruitment – Participation in Research Projects of the IDeA Centre
- IGNITE– Intercultural Comparison between German and Nigerian Teachers’ Understanding of Inclusive Education for Autistic Students
- INCLASS – Inclusion of Children on the Autism Spectrum in School
- KONTEXT Grundschule – Cooperatively Created InfoTEXTs for Primary Schools
- KoaLa – Cognitively Activating and Collaborative Learning Opportunities
- MASK – Modeling of Integrated Academic-Language Compentences
- MORAL – Socio-Moral Development of Children and Adolescents
- MYSKILLS – Identifying Professional Competencies (BKE)
- NEPS TBT: Work Package Technology Based Testing
- PISA-LDW – Assessing Competencies for Learning in the Digital World
- PROM3THEUS – Practical Orientation, Methodology, and Theory Development in Educational Research
- PaTH – Participative Knowledge Transfer between University and School Practice
- Peers4Practice – A Tandem approach for Early Career Teachers and Researchers
- PuS-SeL – Problem solving and Strategies – Self-regulation of Learning
- ReCo – Automatically Processing Text Responses from Assessments
- SYNERGIE – Systematic, Sustainable and Evidence-Oriented Professional Development in Schools
- SchiWa – Schools in Times of Change
- SchuMaS - Schule macht stark
- Stereo-Disk — Stereotypes as Obstacles for Professional Diagnostics in an Inclusive School Context
- Stereo-no-GO – Gender- and Origin-based Inequalities in Programs for Gifted Children
- TPL-basics – Conditions of acquiring operational knowledge for solving technical problems
- TaLC – Teacher Language in Classrooms
- ViolAA – Teachers‘ Reaction to Norm Violations at School
- WieSeL – Knowledge, Application, Promotion: Self-Regulation Competence of Teachers
- ZIB – Centre for International Student Assessment
- – Platform for Formative Assessment
- Nico Andersen, Doctoral Candidate, Technology-Based Assessment
- Dr. Mohammad Arsyad Arrafii, Visiting Researcher, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Tina Bagus, M.A., Doctoral Candidate, Diversity and Education
- Dr. Franziska Baier-Mosch, Academic Staff, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Johanna Bake, B.Sc., Assistant, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Lukas Begrich, Associated Researcher, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Prof. Dr. Hanna Beißert, Head of Unit, Diversity and Education
- Daniel Bengs, Dipl.-Math., Academic Staff, Technology-Based Assessment
- Victoria Bertram, M.A., Academic Staff, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Ximena Delgado Osorio, Doctoral Candidate, Educational Measurement
- Tobias Deribo, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Technology-Based Assessment
- Carlotta Dilcher, Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Philine Drake, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Educational Measurement
- Nadine Eikelschulte, M.A., Assistant, Diversity and Education
- Simone Emmenlauer, Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Lena Engelhardt, Academic Staff, Technology-Based Assessment
- Katharina Fink, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Diversity and Education
- Prof. Dr. Frank Goldhammer, Head of Unit, Technology-Based Assessment
- Dr. Sonja Hahn, Academic Staff, Technology-Based Assessment
- Prof. Dr. Carolin Hahnel, Associated Researcher, Technology-Based Assessment
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig, Head of Unit, Educational Measurement
- Dr. Ulrike Hartmann, Head of Unit, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Nick Gerrit Hasche, M.A., Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Astrid Henkel, M.A., Assistant, Technology-Based Assessment
- Jannick Illmann, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Technology-Based Assessment
- Nathalie John, Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Prof. Dr. Nina Jude, Associated Researcher
- Verena Jörg, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Hannah Kleen, Academic Staff, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Eckhard Klieme, Research Fellow
- PD Dr. Ulf Kröhne, Head of Unit, Technology-Based Assessment
- Prof. Dr. Mareike Kunter, Director, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- PD Dr. Carmen Köhler, Academic Staff, Educational Measurement
- Leo Köllich, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate, Technology-Based Assessment
- Anna Maria Leitz, Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Marit Kristine List, Associated Researcher, Educational Measurement
- Michaela Menstell, M.A., Coordinator, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Alexander Naumann, Post-doc Researcher, Educational Measurement
- Dr. Charity Onyishi, Visiting Researcher, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Lothar Persic-Beck, M.Sc., Academic Staff, Technology-Based Assessment
- Prof. Dr. Katrin Rakoczy, Associated Researcher
- Diana Richter, B.A., Assistant, Diversity and Education
- Nora Ries, Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Nina Roczen, Academic Staff, Educational Measurement
- Christina Röper, Associated Researcher, Technology-Based Assessment
- Talha Sajjad, M.Sc., Academic Staff, Educational Measurement
- Charlotte Schell, Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Caroline Scherer, Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Raphaela Schlicht-Schmälzle, Academic Staff, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Jürgen Schneider, Academic Staff, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Marcus Schrickel, Academic Staff, Technology-Based Assessment
- David Simon, Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- René Staab, Associated Researcher, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Brigitte Steinert, Associated Researcher
- Stefanie Sterzel, Assistant, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Dr. Leonard Tetzlaff, Post-doc Researcher, Technology-Based Assessment
- Dr. Desiree Theis, Academic Staff, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Antje Thiele, Coordinator, Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
- Felix Wagner, Software Engineer, Technology-Based Assessment
- Dr. Fabian Zehner, Post-doc Researcher, Technology-Based Assessment