The department of Teacher and Teaching Quality (TTQ) focuses on the investigation of quality and effectiveness of educational processes.


The Department for Teacher and Teaching Quality deals with the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical processes in instructional settings, schools and universities – in both its research and science services. A priority is placed on researching the professionalization of pedagogical staff. These tasks require a conceptual description and assessment of academic achievement, competencies and other individual variables as prerequisites to successful learning.

The research and services are committed to an understanding of empirical educational research which emphasises a need for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration and methodological diversity. A diverse methodological approach is chosen which comprises multi-cohort longitudinal studies on competence development, video analyses, intervention studies, laboratory experiments for the analysis of learning processes, secondary analyses as well as computer-based test and survey instruments. The following thematic priorities are focused

  • Teachers‘ professional competencies
  • Multi-criterial assessment of instructional effects
  • Measurement and modelling of learning processes and learning outcomes

The Department participates in international large-scale assessments such as PISA and the TALIS video study for Germany. At a national level, it is involved in the Centre for International Student Assessment (ZIB) and the National Education Panel Study (NEPS). The Department co-ordinates the Leibniz network for instructional research.

In addition, the department is concerned with how research findings can be turned into results into practice-relevant knowledge for teachers, and what role the collaboration between educational collaboration between educational researchers and practitioners.


BETTER: Research-Practice Partnerships and Research on Transfer to Educational Practice

BETTER stands for "Bring Educational Research to Teachers and Teachers' Experiences back to Research". We investigate and support the transfer of knowledge and interactions between educational research and school practice.

Diversity and Education

The "Diversity and Education" unit focuses on the role of various dimensions of diversity (e.g. gender or background) in educational settings.

Educational Measurement

Researchers of the research unit "Educational Measurement" investigate how educational outcomes and the effects of learning opportunities can be measures. To this end, it deals with the necessary methodological foundations.

Teaching and Learning in School Contexts

The unit "Teaching and Learning in School Contexts" studies instructional processes that are particularly suitable for promoting students' cognitive and motivational developments respectively how teachers can succeed in creating such conducive learning environments.

Technology-Based Assessment

The "Technology-Based Assessment" unit (TBA) investigates how assessment procedures (e.g., competency tests) can be improved, extended, and made practically usable through digital methods.


Prof. Dr. Mareike Kunter



