DIPF endorses a culture of open science and practice: we are committed to open access to knowledge and the possibilities of producing knowledge.
In the spirit of transparency, the Institute not only produces and documents data and results, but also designs research processes in a comprehensible way. Research findings from DIPF contribute to scientific and public discourses and are made available for use in other contexts.
DIPF pursues the Open Science goals not only in its own work. It supports the development of open and cooperative science with corresponding infrastructures, research, service and transfer. Interdisciplinary services are offered for publications (Open Access), research data and digital source collections (Open Data), educational media (Open Educational Resources) and software developments (Open Source). The intertwining of educational research and educational information at DIPF makes it possible to align offers with the needs of research and to use resources such as open data and open source for research purposes.
Free access to publications in educational science is promoted by interdisciplinary monitoring (Open Metrics), which serves to index, systematise and locate research resources. In order to improve the networking of supra-regional digital research infrastructures, the researchers are now developing an open "Knowledge Graph Education", which enables a target group-specific information space across different data types. The Research Data Education Alliance (VerbundFDB) provides research data for empirical educational research and is expanding its range of training courses on the reusage of these data. In the area of eHumanities, the Institute supports research in the humanities and cultural sciences with, for instance, digitised texts and images from the holdings of the Research Library for the History of Education.
- CERES – Connecting the EdTech Research EcoSystem
- DYNAMIC – Dynamic Network Approach of Mental Health in Children and Adolescents
- EffecT – Explaining Inconsistent Effects of Teaching Quality on Educational Outcomes
- FID – Specialised Information Service “Educational Science and Educational Research”
- ForSynData – Guidelines for FAIR and Reusable Research Syntheses in Psychology and Educational Science
- INCLASS – Inclusion of Children on the Autism Spectrum in School
- KI-Lit-Edu – AI Indexing at Literature Information Systems for Educational Research
- KonsortSWD Helpdesk – A Guide in the Network of Research Data Infrastructures
- KonsortSWD – Consortium for the Social, Behavioural, Educational, and Economic Sciences
- LONDI 2 – Implementation and Evaluation of the LONDI Platform for Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disorders
- MoviA – Model Project for Testing and Implementing Virtual Exhibitions
- NEPS – National Educational Panel Study, stage 5
- National Report on Education
- OERinfo – community platform for Open Educational Resources
- OFFZIB – Open Citation Data for Educational Research
- PROMPT – Optimizing Self-Regulated Learning Processes With Digital Prompts
- QualiBi – Development of a research data platform for qualitative educational research
- Stereo-Disk — Stereotypes as Obstacles for Professional Diagnostics in an Inclusive School Context
- Thinking Education Across Borders – Wilhelm Rein's Pedagogical Correspondence Estate
- Transformation of the Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB) into an Open Access Journal
- edu_consort_oa – Project Network Open Access Consortium Education for E-books and Journals