Development of Successful Learning
Education and Human Development
Rostocker Straße 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main- BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development
- BiSS-Transfer – Education Through Language and Writing
- Coordinating Office “Cause-related Individual Diagnostics and Intervention in Defined School-related Developmental Disorders“
- EAGLeS – English Acquisition in German Learning Disabled Students
- Evaluation of the School Structural Reform in Bremen
- FePrax – Diagnostic Practice for the Purpose of Determining Special Educational Needs as well as Disparities between German Federal States within the Framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Frostigs Entwicklungstest der visuellen Wahrnehmung-3
- GeoChild – Development of Geometrical Competences in Early Childhood
- Hector – Scientific Support for the Hector Children's Academies in Hessen and Baden-Württemberg
- INCLASS – Inclusion of Children on the Autism Spectrum in School
- InSel – Recognise Internalising Symptoms and Respond Professionally
- LONDI 2 – Implementation and Evaluation of the LONDI Platform for Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disorders
- LONDI – The Development of an Online Platform for Diagnosis and Remediation of Children with Learning Disabilities
- LeA – Learning Acceleration
- LexPro Training
- LexPro – Processes of reading and methods of intervention in dyslexic readers
- MEMO – Working Memory Influences on Rehearsal-Strategy Development in Dyslectic Children
- Mental Health in School
- Moral Development in Childhood and Adolescence
- RABE 2 – Risk Factors and Consequences of Learning Difficulties up to Early Adulthood
- ReAL – Neurobehavioral Development of Reading and Arithmetic Skills – A Longitudinal Study
- SchuMaS - Schule macht stark
- Science [makes] practice: what works well in instruction?
- Standardisation of the Working Memory Test Battery
- Systematic Review: Interventions for Improving Language Skills in Three to Six-Year-Old Children
- TRIO – Language Education in Early Child Care Centers
- ViWa – Visual Perception
- iLearn – Individual Formative Assessment for Adaptive Support of Children with Reading Difficulties
- 08/2012 – 11/2019
- Executive Director of DIPF
- 2008 – 2012
- Deputy Executive Director of DIPF
- Since 2008
- Member of the Scientific Board of the IDeA Center
- 2008 – 2019
- Speaker of the Hessian LOEWE Center IDeA (Center for Research on Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk)
- Since 2007
- Professor of Psychology focusing on Education and Human Development, DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education in Frankfurt/M.
- 1997 – 2007
- Professor for Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology, University Göttingen
- 1993 – 1997
- Professor (C3) for Developmental Psychology at TU Dresden
- 1993
- Habilitation, Venia Legendi for Psychology, Göttingen University
- 1992/93
- Stand-in professor (C4 Developmental Psychology), Koblenz-Landau University
- 1986
- Graduation to Dr. phil., Heidelberg University
- 1985 – 1993
- Scientific researcher, academic councillor, Institute for Psychology, Göttingen University
- 1983 – 1985
- Doctoral scholarship at Max-Planck Institute for Psychological Research, Munich, in the department of Developmental Psychology (chair: Prof. Dr. F.E. Weinert)
- 1983
- Final diploma examination in Psychology, Heidelberg University
- 1979
- Intermediate diploma examination in Psychology, Göttingen University
- 1978
- Final examination in the professional training of industrial clerk, Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Hannover-Hildesheim
- Ontogenesis of individual conditions of successful learning
- Learning and achievement disorders
- Pedagogical-psychological diagnostics
- Posssibilities of changing and influencing cognitive learning conditions
- Chair of the Steering Group of the Leibniz Education Research Network (LERN), Germany: since 2013
- Chairman of the Academic Advisory Council at the Mercator Institute for Literacy and Language Education at the University of Cologne, Germany: since 2013
- Member of the Higher Education Council at the University of Kassel, Germany: since 2010
- Member of the Scientific Board of the IDeA Center (Center for Research on Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk), Germany: since 2008 (chairman: 2008-2019)
- Member of the Wilhelm Wundt Society, Germany: since 2006 (chairman: 2011-2014)
- President of the German Psychological Society (DGPs, the Society), Germany: 2006-2008
- Member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities – Mathematical-Physical Class, Germany: since 2005
- Book series “Kohlhammer Standards Psychologie“ (Standards in Psychology, co-editor), Kohlhammer Publishing, Germany
- Book series “Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie“ (Educational psychology and developmental psychology, advisory board), Waxmann Publishing, Germany
- Book series “Psychologie im Schulalltag“ (Psychology in everyday life at school, co-editor), Hogrefe Publishing, Germany
- Book series “Tests und Trends in der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik“ (Yearbook of pedagogical-psychological diagnostics, co-editor), Hogrefe Publishing, Germany
- Hogrefe Schultests, Hogrefe Vorschultests, and Hogrefe Förderprogramme (Tests of school, preschool, and support programmes, co-editor), Hogrefe Publishing, Germany
- Journal “Frühe Bildung“ (Early childhood education, co-editor, executive editor 2011-2017)
- “Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie“ (Journal of developmental psychology and educational psychology, advisory board)
- “Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft“ (Journal of educational science, executive editor since 2017)
- Journal “Lernen und Lernstörungen“ (Learning and learning disorders, advisory board)
- Journal “Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht“ (Psychology in education and school, advisory board)
last modified Oct 18, 2023