- Assessment of Student Achievements in German and English as a Foreign Language
- Competence Models for Assessing Individual Learning Outcomes and Evaluating Processes
- Conditions and Consequences of Classroom Assessment
- Evaluation of the School Structural Reform in Bremen
- MEChS – Modeling Educational Effectiveness and Equity at the School Level
- OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey
- PISA 2012 – International Consortium
- PISA 2015
- PISA 2018
- Programme for International Student Assessment 2009
- SLICES – Using the thin slices technique to analyse school lessons: A reanalysis of large-scale datasets on constructive handling of student errors
- SchiWa – Schools in Times of Change
- Science [makes] practice: what works well in instruction?
- StEG – Study on the Development of All-Day Schools
- TALIS Video Study for Germany
- Teaching and Learning International Survey – Video Study (TALIS-Video)
- elbe – Parental Counseling at Primary Schools
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Academic background
Eckhard Klieme has a strong background in Educational Psychology, measurement and quantitative methods. He graduated from University of Bonn with Master degrees (Diploma) both in Mathematics (1978) and Psychology (1981), and a Ph.D. (1988) in Psychology. In 2000, he finished his Habilitation (postdoctoral lecture qualification) for Educational Sciences at Free University Berlin. He was a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Test Development and Talent Research in Bonn (1983-1997), and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin (1998-2001). From 2001 until retirement in 2020, he was a Full Professor of Educational Science at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, and Director of the Center for Research on Educational Quality and Evaluation at DIPF.
Research experience
Eckhard Klieme’s research focuses on Educational Effectiveness, Teaching Quality, Assessment of Student Competencies, and International Comparative Studies.
He has been involved in several large-scale assessment programs at a national and an international level. Until 1997, he had major responsibility within the national assessment for medical studies, developing tests of advanced science and mathematics. He was also in charge of studies assessing cross-curricular problem solving and vocational skills. At Max-Planck, he was involved in the TIMSS grade 8 and TIMSS-Advanced studies. At DIPF, he directed the German National Assessment of Language Skills (2001-2006), and the indicator-based National Report on Education (2006-2008).
Eckhard Klieme has been involved in the OECD PISA studies since 1998 until 2019. His functions include Chair of the International Questionnaire Expert Group (PISA 2012, 2015), head of Questionnaire Development (PISA 2015, 2018), member of the international Problem Solving Expert Group (PISA 2003), and National Project Manager (PISA 2009).
Together with Detlev Leutner, Eckhard Klieme founded and coordinated (2007-2013) the National Priority Research Program “Educational Measurement” (DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm Kompetenzmodelle).
In addition to test-based assessment studies, Eckhard Klieme also lead some large-scale school evaluation studies, including a national program for the enhancement of school democracy and civic education (2001-2005) and a chain of studies on the effectiveness and development of all-day schools (2005-2019).
Finally, Eckhard Klieme has been the Principal Investigator for several video-based classroom studies looking into teaching quality and effectiveness, three of them funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG). Topics covered were physics education, simulation-based learning, secondary mathematics, and early science education. More recently, these classroom studies were combined with teacher training in order to study effects of formative assessment practices on student learning in quasi-experimental designs. From 2014 to 2021, he was one of the Principal Investigators for the OECD-sponsored Teaching and Learning International Survey – Video Study (TALIS-Video) studying teaching quality in eight school systems in Asia, Europe, and Latin America.
- 2023
- Lifetime Achievement Award (Preis für das Lebenswerk): German Society for Interdisciplinary Empirical Research in Education (Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung)
- 2014
- Dr. h.c. University of Liège (Belgium)
- 2014
- Award for excellency in educational research (Forschungspreis): German Society for Educational Sciences (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft)
- 2013
- Honorary Professor: Durham University, Durham, UK
- 2010
- Award for excellency in applied research (Wissenschaftspreis „Gesellschaft braucht Wissenschaft“): Leibniz Association and Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
- Managing Scientific Director of DIPF, 2004-2008 and 2019
- Member of Advisory Boards: Educational Testing Service (ETS Research Visiting Panel, 2014-2020); Center for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM), Durham University UK (2012-2018); Bundesinstitut für Bildungsforschung, Innovation & Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens, Austria (2004-2012); Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften, Kiel (2008-2015); Bildung & Begabung, Bonn (Chair of the scientific advisory board, 2011-2016)
- Member of Editorial Boards: American Educational Research Journal – Teaching, Learning, and Human Development (2013-2015), Educational Assessment, Frontline Learning Research, Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik, Zeitschrift fuer Bildungsforschung, Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie
- Member of the National Council for Social and Economic Research Data, 2006-2008
- National Representative to the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, IEA, 2007-2019
- Deputy CEO of the German Centre for International Student Assessment (Zentrum für Internationale Bildungsvergleichsstudien), 2011-2019
- Member of the Scientific Board, Center for Research on Individual Development and Adaptive Education (IDeA), Frankfurt am Main 2008-2020
- Member of the Steering Committee, College for Inderdisciplinary Educational Research, Germany 2012-2016
- Coordinator of EARLI Special-Interest Group (SIG 18) “Educational Effectiveness”, 2007-2011
- President, German Association for Empirical Educational Research (AEPF), 2003-2006
- Dean’s Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Spring 2015
- Visiting Scholar at CRESST/UCLA and Stanford School of Education, 2008/09
- Academia Europeaa Workshop “Science Education Can Build Bridges” (2022 Budapest)
- NIER International Symposium "Exploring the possibility of educational data for sustainable future“ (2021 Tokio)
- International Conference on Madrasah Reform (2021 Surabaya)
- EARLI Biannual Conference 2019 Aachen, EU presidential conference “PISA and Beyond” (2019 Helsinki)
- QUINT Conference: Analyzing Teaching Quality (2019 Oslo)
- AERA (2019 Toront)
- ACER Research Conference (2018 Sydney)
- WERA Conference 2018 (Cape Town)
- OFSTED Conference on Measuring Teaching (2017 London)
- WERA IRN Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View (2017 Bamberg)
- Association for Educational Assessment – Europe (2017 Prague)
- International PISA Seminar (2016 Oxford University)
- ICME (2016 Hamburg)
- International PISA Research Conference (2015 Oslo)
- AERA (2015 Chicago)
- IEA Research Conference (2013 Singapore)
- CRET international conference (2013 Tokyo)
- EARLI SIG Educational Effectiveness (2012 Zurich)
- International Test Commission (2012 Amsterdam)
- ETS Conference “The Role of International Large Scale Assessments in Educational Policy” (2011 Princeton)
- EU presidential conference on “Effective policies for the development of competences of youth” (2011 Warsaw)
- CAESL (2008 San Francisco)
- EARLI SIG Assessment and Evaluation (2008 Berlin)
- AERA (2007 Chicago)
- Association for Teacher Education in Europe (2005 Amsterdam)
last modified Nov 05, 2024