Dr. Monika Mattes

Academic Librarian

BBF Library

BBF | Research Library for the History of Education

Warschauer Straße 34-38
10243 Berlin

+49 (0)30-293360-664




Curriculum Vitae

Doctorate at Technical University Berlin
1990 – 1991
Study year abroad (Erasmus programme) at Lyon University II and Centre Pierre Léon
1989 – 1996
Studied Modern History, Eastern European History and Romance, Master of Arts at Free University Berlin
1986 – 1989
Studied Modern History, East European History and Romance at Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg

Professional Activities

Since 2013
Academic staff member at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Research Library for the History of Education, Berlin
2012 – 2013
Museum pedagogue at the department for education and teaching, German Historical Museum, Berlin
2008 – 2011
Lecturer at the Historical Institute, Potsdam University
2005 – 2011
Academic staff member at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF) e.V.
Academic staff member in the field of museum pedagogy, exhibition “Migration. 1500-2005“ at the German Historical Museum, Berlin
1995 – 1997
Assistant staff member for “science and reunification“, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science

Current Work and Research Priorities

  • Library and collection history
  • Teachers' association history
  • Social and knowledge history of school
  • Family and gender history

Selected Talks/Presentations

  • Collecting Pedagogical Knowledge: Goals, Actors, and Practices of Book Collecting. The Example of the German School Museum / German Teachers' Library in Berlin 1876-1914. Symposium „Exploring Collections of Educational History. 19th Symposium of School Museums and Collections of Educational History“ in Berlin, 29.06.2023.
  • Volksschullehrer als ‚Wissenssammler‘ um 1900. Das Beispiel des Deutschen Schulmuseums/Deutsche Lehrerbücherei in Berlin. Internationale Konferenz „Pädagogisierung in der Identitätsbildung und Professionalisierung: die Rolle der Wissenschaft, Wissensvermittlung, Bildung und Sozialfürsorge“, Comenius Bibliothek Prag, 23./34.6.2022.
  • „Leistungsschule“, „Lernfabrik“ oder „Kuschelecke“? Westdeutsche Gesamtschulen als Orte pädagogischer Wissensproduktion in den 1960/70er Jahren. HKW-Konferenz „Education Shock“, Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, 30.11.2019.
  • Gesamtschuldiskurse. Die 1970er Jahre als „Transformationsjahrzehnt“ für den historischen Wandel von Schulkulturen? Panel „Schule in Bewegung – Gab es einen Wandel der Schulkultur?“. DGfE-Kongress am 21.3.2018 in Essen (mit Sabine Reh).
  • The psychologization of the classroom? Teacher education and school practice in Switzerland and the Federal Republic of Germany from the 1960s to the 1980s. ISCHE 2016, 17.08.2016 in Chicago (mit Tomas Bascio).
last modified Jul 23, 2024