•   Reimers

    Head of Unit

    BBF Archive

    BBF | Research Library for the History of Education

    Warschauer Straße 34-38
    10243 Berlin

    +49 (0)30-293360-627


  • 2013
    Master of Archival Science FH-Potsdam
    Doctoral thesis on the "Volkshochschulbewegung in Thüringen in der Weimarer Republik" (adult education movement in Thuringia during the era of the Weimar Republic). Research priorities in adult education, cultural and educational history and educational policy in the Kaiser (German Emperors) era and the Weimar Republic
    Master of Arts
    Studied German, Educational Science, Italian, Political Science at Albertus Magnus University, Cologne and Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
    Born in 1962

    Professional activities

    Since 03/2008
    Head of the archives of the Library for the History of Education at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
    2007 – 2008
    Academic staff member at the pedagogical department, Augsburg University
    Academic staff member in the research project on the late writings of Friedrich Nietzsche at the Institute for Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin, located at the Goethe and Schiller archives, Weimar
    2004 – 2006
    Freelance researcher (editing estates for private persons, museums and archives, conceptualising exhibitions) and lecturer at the Institute for Pedagogy at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and at the seminar for pedagogy at Georg August University, Göttingen and in adult education institutions and the speech therapy training college, Erfurt
    1994 – 2004
    Academic staff member at the seminar for pedagogy, Ulm university
    1993 – 1994
    Academic staff member at the seminar for pedagogy, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
    Academic staff member at  the German Literature Archives, Marbach on the Neckar (1992) and holder of a stipend by the Deutsche Schiller Stiftung - German Schiller Foundation, German Literature Archive, Marbach on the Neckar
    • Archival services and specialised information
    • History of adult education
    • Cultural and educational history and educational policy in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic
  • Selected publications

    • Reimers, Bettina Irina & Cramme, Stefan (2023). Archival holdings on Friedrich Froebel and the edition of his letters. In T. Bruce, Y. Nishida, S. Powell, H. Wasmuth & J. Whinnett (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook to Friedrich Froebel (pp. 66-75). London: Bloomsbury Academic. doi:10.5040/9781350323230.0017
    • Reimers, Bettina Irina (2023). Eine Fundgrube für die Forschung zu preußischen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. Die Unterlagen der Gutachterstelle des Instituts für Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung. In Herold-Jahrbuch Band 27, S. 207-241
    • Reimers, Bettina Irina (2022). The Glass Slide Collection of the German Rural Residential Schools Association (Verband Deutscher Schullandheime e. V.). In Hertling, A. & Carrier, P. (Hrsg.), Collecting educational media. Making, storing and accessing knowledge. Berghahn , S. 99-110.
    • Reimers, Bettina Irina (2021). Ein Fotoalbum als historische Quelle: Das Konzept der Körper- und Stimmbildung von Kallmeyer und Lauterbach. In Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (27) , S. 220-248; Internet: https://jb-historische-bildungsforschung.de/band_27/Band_27_10.xml; DOI: 10.25658/szr6-7x31
    • Reh, Sabine; Berdelmann, Kathrin; Cramme, Stefan; Mattes, Monika; Müller, Lars & Reimers, Bettina Irina (2021). Quellen und Methoden der Historischen Bildungsforschung, S. 12-30; Internet: https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/10.36198/9783838557083-12-30; DOI: 10.36198/9783838557083-12-30
  • Since 2019
    Member of the "Archival Legal Issues" working group of the Association of German Archivists e.V
    Since 2020
    Spokesperson for the Leibniz Association's working group on archives
    Since 2016
    Member of the speakers' group of the "Collecting together" initiative of the Leibniz Association's working group on archives
    2016 – 2023
    Member of the advisory board of the lottery fund project "Pestalozzianum Collection: cataloguing, preservation and use of the collection", Pestalozzianum Foundation for Education, Schools and Dialogue (Zurich)
    Since 2016
    Member of the Advisory Board of the Alice Salomon Archive, "Alice Salomon Hochschule" - Berlin University of Applied Sciences for Social Work and Social Pedagogy
    2012 – 2016
    Spokesperson for the Leibniz Association's Archive Working Group
    Since 2010
    Member of the DGfE's scientific advisory board in the project for the archival cataloguing of the specialist society's written material holdings
    2010 – 2021
    Member of the scientific advisory board of the Adolf-Reichwein-Verein e.V.
    last modified Aug 06, 2024