Dr. Nina Roczen


Academic Staff

Educational Measurement

Teacher and Teaching Quality

Rostocker Straße 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

+49 (0)69-24708-153




Curriculum Vitae

Since 2021
Sustainability Officer at DIPF (together with Dr. Marit List)
Since 2021
Scientific coordination of the project HAND:ET (together with Dr. Mojca Rožman und Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig)
2019 – 2022
Scientific coordination of the project SysKo-BNE (together with Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig)
2017 – 2020
Scientific coordination of the project HAND in HAND (together with Dr. Mojca Rožman and Dr. Svenja Vieluf)
2015 – 2019

Academic staff member in the PISA 2018 international project at DIPF

2012 – 2015

Academic staff member in the PISA 2015 international project at DIPF

Doctorate at the Eindhoven University of Technology, subject of the doctoral thesis: „Environmental competence – The interplay between connection with nature and environmental knowledge in promoting ecological behavior“
Visiting researcher to Professor Mark Wilson at the University of California at Berkeley, USA
Academic staff member in the project “Learning and Living Democracy” at DIPF
Graduation in Psychology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Current Research and Work Priorities

  • Education for Sustainable Development
  • System Competence in the field of ESD
  • Global Competence / Global Citizenship Education / Global Learning



summer term 2019
Seminar „Fostering an inclusive classroom climate – an introduction to theory and practice“ ( Goethe University Frankfurt/Main )
winter term 2018/19
Seminar „Educational Monitoring: Function and Limitations“ ( Goethe University Frankfurt/Main )
summer term 2018
Seminar „Psychodiagnostics on the individual level – Methodological basis“ (Goethe University Frankfurt/Main)
summer term 2010
Seminar „Presentation of Scientific Results“ (University of Bayreuth)
summer term 2009
Seminar „Social Psychology“ (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg)


Workshop "Questionnaire Development" – Summer School of the German Educational Research Association (GERA/DGfE)/Subdivision Education for Sustainable Development
Workshop „ Analysis of Measurement Invariance”, DIPF, Frankfurt/Main
Workshop „Application of the Rasch Model“, University of Bayreuth

Other professional activities

(Ad-hoc) Reviewer for

  • Environment & Behavior
  • Spanish Journal of Psychology
  • Unterrichtswissenschaft
  • PLOS ONE (Guest Editor and Reviewer)
  • International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning
  • Journal of Environmental Psychology


  • Association of Empirical Educational Research (GEBF)
  • The German Educational Research Association (GERA)
last modified Jul 16, 2024