Educational Structures and Reforms

This unit examines structural and organisational changes in schools, as well as administrative educational reforms in the school system. It investigates the intended and unintended effects of these changes on the quality and effectiveness of schools.


What role is assigned to structural and organisational conditions and their changes in the acquisition of education? In nearly all areas of schooling, we can currently observe fundamental structural and organisational changes. On the one hand, we are investigating intentional and unintentional consequences of such structural changes and administrative reforms on the acquisition of education. The team moreover studies patterns of social inequalities and educational success. We also investigate concrete conditions of success that are needed for successful implementation of educational reforms. It is thus possible to identify how effective and efficient implementations of reform measures can be organised. Some major projects are the BERLIN study, the WiKo study and the NEOS study.


Educational Governance

The department of Educational Governance focuses on the investigation of educational attainment processes.


Dr. Marko Neumann



Michaela Kropf
