Events & Corporate Identity

The service unit "Events & Corporate Identity" conceives, plans and realises internal and external events of the DIPF and deals with the institute's culture and corporate design.


Internal Communication

The team manages the internal flow of information, e.g. by organising information events for new employees and institute-wide colloquia.

Event Management

The team conceptualises and plans external and internal DIPF events and advises the departments on event management issues.

Corporate Design

Here, everything revolves around the design and recognition of DIPF as an institute – by creation of templates, institution-wide printed matter, marketing materials, logos and photos.

Service Center

Communications Office

Three areas of tasks are served by the communications office: public relations, internal reporting and reporting to the governing board.


Milena Mansky, Dipl.-Jur., M.A.


Katharina Grunewald, Assistant


Milena Mansky, Dipl.-Jur., M.A.