German Education Server (Eduserver)
The German Education Server is a central guide to education in Germany and an information service for education worldwide. It offers access to selected internet resources from the federal government, federal states, universities, state institutes and research institutes.
The German Education Server team curates information for all areas and levels of education from early childhood and compulsory school education to tertiary education. The information is stored in databases and presented in web catalogues. Besides offering basic information about the German education system, the team compiles dossiers on current topics.
As a national web portal, the German Education Server moreover offers a site in English for international users (, which also covers all educational levels from pre-primary to tertiary education as well as topics presented in thematic dossiers such as "German as a foreign language", "Information for refugees", and information about scholarships for foreign students or access to the German labour market.
The site "Education worldwide" informs interested users (not only in Germany) about international developments in education, in German and English.
The German Education Server at DIPF coordinates an entire collection of portals, i.e. the innovation portal, where innovative projects and programmes for quality improvement are documented, including the online magazine Bildung+Innovation presenting reports, press coverage, interviews.
Social Media tools are also hosted: the BildungsserverBlog offers interviews and podcasts. The German Education Server is also active as a publishing service offering a newsletter, link suggestions in renowned publications and journal contributions. The team also communicates directly with users presenting its work at conferences, fairs and other events.
In order to expand on its role as a networking and transfer agent in a federal system, the German Education Server cooperates with many institutions and organisations, particularly the state education servers. These co-operations consist of editor partnerships, hosting of larger-scale projects like the portals Elixier and Edutags and the climate change Wiki.
The German Education Server is also involved in political projects, e.g. the portal Reading in Germany, Infoweb Weiterbildung (IWWB) and the information point OERinfo.
Information Centre for Education
The Information Centre for Education (IZB) at DIPF is the central institution for research and information infrastructures in education in Germany. The Centre moreover organises research and transfer of findings and links actors in education.
Dr. Sigrid FahrerTeam
- Michaela Achenbach, M.A., Academic Staff
- Dr. Carolin Anda, Academic Staff
- Dr. Johannes Appel, Academic Staff
- Alexandra Burandt, Editor
- Nadia Cohen, M.A., Academic Staff
- Susanne Grimm, Academic Staff
- Doris Hirschmann, M.A., Academic Staff
- Angela Karnoll, M.A., Academic Staff
- Luzie Krönert, Member of Staff
- Sylvia Kullmann, Doctoral Candidate
- Tamara Massar, Academic Staff
- Ellen McKenney, Member of Staff
- Jens Röschlein, Information Manager
- Yvonne Schmidt, Data Administrator
- Petra Schraml, M.A., Academic Staff
- Dr. Gwen Schulte, Translator
- Christine Schumann, M.A., Editor
- Christine Schuster, Academic Staff
- Andrea Völkerling, Dipl.-Päd., Wiss. Dok., Academic Staff
OERinfo – community platform for Open Educational ResourcesOnline Resources
- Bildungswiki Klimawandel (Educational Wiki Climate Change)
- Eduserver – German Education Server
- Elixier – The Search Engine for Educational Media
- IWWB – Information Web Further Education
- Innovation Portal
- Lehrer werden – Teacher Education in Germany
- Lesen in Deutschland (Reading in Germany)
- OERinfo – Information Service Open Educational Resources
- edutags – Social Bookmarking Education