IDeA Labs

The IDeA Labs are part of the IDeA Centre, where the development of children with educational risks is empirically investigated. The lab structure includes facilities, testing equipment, as well as personnel and serves to support researchers in conducting behavior-based and neuroscientific studies.

The IDeA Labs team supports the researchers of the IDeA Centre in all phases of the research process in methodological, organisational, and technical regards. The methods employed range from paper-based and computer-based cognitive testing procedures through eye-tracking to neuroimaging. The specially created cartoon mascot “Laborius” helps researchers in explaining the study procedures in a child-friendly manner.

Studies take place both in the child-friendly facilities of the IDeA Labs and off-site in schools and kindergartens. The lab structure provides specialised research equipment (e.g., mobile and stationary EEG and eye-tracking systems) and general testing equipment (e.g., tablets, laptops, and video cameras) and supports researchers in their use. Additionally, the lab team assists with the design and programming of experiments, participant recruitment, and the processing of research data. The lab team also operates the data collection and data management system REDCap, which is used for ensuring the documentation and integrity of research data and for automated analysis workflows.


Education and Human Development

The department analyses individual and differential developmental processes in both formal and non-formal learning environments, adding an individual perspective to the DIPF’s scope of research.


Dr. Björn Rump



Dr. Annett Wilde