Press, Social Media & Websites

The service unit "Press, Social Media and Web Presence" is responsible for the external and internal communication of the DIPF via the DIPF website, social media, press releases and other communication formats.


Online Editorial Team

The online editorial team manages and maintains the DIPF website and the in-house intranet. It constantly develops structure, design and content to ensure that the DIPF's web presence remains attractive and up-to-date. The team supports subsite editors in creating and maintaining their websites.

Press and Public Relations

The PR team ensures that DIPF researchers and projects are visible to the public – with news for the DIPF website and social media, press releases and, last but not least, the podcast "Sitzenbleiben". It handles press inquiries and provides experts for various science communication formats. Within the DIPF, it advises on all matters relating to press and public relations work, organises media training and produces the Institute's newsletter. It is responsible for the Institute's biennial activity report.

Service Center

Communications Office

Three areas of tasks are served by the communications office: public relations, internal reporting and reporting to the governing board.


Anke Wilde, M.A.



Anke Wilde, M.A.