Research Data for Education

The unit includes both the Research Data Centre for Education (FDZ Bildung) and the coordination of the German Network for Educational Research Data.


The Education Research Data Centre (FDZ) archives educational research data and makes it available in a legally compliant and user-friendly manner. As part of the BMBF-funded German Network of Educational Research Data, which is coordinated by the DIPF, an efficient, distributed research data infrastructure for education research is being developed and, above all, a central national research and reference structure is being expanded. The unit's tasks are a central element of the DIPF's strategic focus on 'Open Science'.


Information Centre for Education

The Information Centre for Education (IZB) at DIPF is the central institution for research and information infrastructures in education in Germany. The Centre moreover organises research and transfer of findings and links actors in education.


Dr. Sonja Bayer



Dr. Sonja Bayer
