How can informally acquired work experience or undocumented qualifications be made visible?
MYSKILLS was founded in 2017 to support people who have difficulties integrating into the German labour market due to a lack of qualifications or qualifications that are not recognised in Germany. Many of these people have informal work experience, while others have completed training that cannot be validated or is not recognised due to a lack of documentation.
Employers looking for suitable staff are therefore missing out on potential candidates who have the skills to do the job but cannot formally demonstrate them. Up to now, however, there has been no tool to record such skills for professional activities. So, the idea for MYSKILLS was born:
Could such a tool be developed that could also be used to demonstrate informally acquired skills? Would it be possible to use such an instrument – or a test – as an information basis for placement interviews, ideally with the aim of placing people in the labour market?