After completion of the online platform, the follow-up project LONDI 2 was launched to implement and evaluate the platform, optimise it and make it usable across the board.
The big goal: The LONDI platform should be widely used and effective.
- Funding period: LONDI 2 2021 to 2025
- Transfer project
- Cooperation project of DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and the LMU Klinikum, Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy (LMU), under the joint responsibility of Prof. Dr. Marcus Hasselhorn (DIPF) and Prof. Dr. Gerd Schulte-Körne (LMU)
After the project is before the project – this also applies to our LONDI platform. After time, money and resources had been invested in the creation of the platform, an evaluation and implementation project funded by the BMBF since November 2021 aims to create suitable conditions for a successful introduction and use. It is investigating how the LONDI online platform can be disseminated and used effectively in the various user groups and will further optimise the platform based on the results. The aim is to make available across the board once the project is complete.
»The dissemination and reach of the LONDI platform, its effectiveness, its acceptance by users and the successful application of the content are at the heart of LONDI 2.«
This is our Approach: Testing the LONDI Online Platform in Primary Schools
The use of the LONDI online platform will be tested and evaluated in a school study at DIPF. We aim to optimise the platform for specific schools in order to achieve a high level of acceptance and usefulness among teachers and school psychologists. By taking into account technical, content-related and pedagogical aspects, the willingness to use the platform will be increased and the long-term success of the platform in school practice will be ensured.
Optimising the LONDI Online Platform for Sustainable Use
The LONDI online platform is constantly being improved based on findings on how to increase awareness and acceptance. The aim is to increase the usefulness of the platform's offerings and ensure its long-term use in schools, families and in learning support and guidance.
Since its launch in 2021, the platform has been expanded several times in terms of content and adapted both structurally and visually in response to user feedback. In the school year 2023/24, more than 31,000 people from Germany visited the LONDI platform. As most access is via mobile devices, the platform has also been technically optimised for mobile use.