DIPF aims to reach out to educational practitioners in early childhood education, pedagogical training and various school types with its scientific research findings. Contact and exchange with professionals who regularly engage on educational issues in schools and daycare centres are essential to the institute.
Looking for knowledge on educational topics, information on areas such as language, reading and writing or specialist literature for a research project or work in education? DIPF offers a wide range of online resources for educational staff, educational researchers, education policy makers and other interested parties.
In addition, the Frankfurt Teachers' Library at DIPF, located within the Educational Research Library Frankfurt, serves teachers, students and teacher trainees. Here users find information on how to use the library, materials for school practice and studies as well as references on selected topics.
Empirical Research with Practical Relevance
The empirical educational research projects at DIPF cover a wide range of topics. This selection of projects addresses students, parents and educational practitioners:
- The online platform developed in the alea.schule project supports teachers in designing mathematics lessons by tracking students’ progress during the learning process, thereby supporting individualised learning.
- In the FLINK project, children in grades three to six with low to moderate reading skills can practise reading. Working with a computer-based programme, they will enhance their focus, increase their reading speed and achieve better reading comprehension. Their progress is regularly tracked by online-based learning diagnostics.
- The INCLASS project team is developing a digital training platform, a self-assessment tool and a smartphone app to support educational professionals in the inclusion of children on the autism spectrum.
- To better support children with lower academic performance level, the KONTEXT Grundschule project is developing a website with information on practically relevant topics for primary school teachers. Teachers and researchers are collaborating to create clear, accessible information on current educational topics that incorporate both experiences from everyday teaching and research findings.
- The Peers4Practice project aims to foster collaboration between science and educational practice. Teachers and researchers pair up to develop application-oriented research ideas and projects, that are innovative and evidence-based.
- The learning app for children developed in the PROMPT project helps them learn independently. Given guidance on various learning strategies, children can create personalised schedules, set learning goals, and track their progress.
Experience Educational Research Live
Empirical educational research at DIPF relies on the collaboration of educational institutions, children and parents. By participating in the studies, schools, day-care centres, and most importantly, children gain first-hand experience with “real-time research.” The findings are shared with participating institutions and presented in a clear and accessible manner. Interested individuals and organisations are invited to explore the quality of educational practices through the lens of empirical research and to take part in one of the regular studies at DIPF. Each study is submitted to a careful approval process to ensure it aligns with the children’s needs and fully complies with data protection regulations.
The IDeA Centre at DIPF is regularly engaged in hands-on studies on how children learn and invites children (up to the age of twelve) to participate. These studies are designed in a child-friendly way and often take place online.
Contact: info@dipf.de
The IDeA centre offers a glimpse into its laboratories and working methods during the children's activity day "Open Doors with the Mouse" and with the IDeA short film:
Lectures, Discussions, and Training
DIPF offers experts advice on topics with practical relevance for schools and day-care centres. DIPF researchers act as speakers and panellists wherever possible in terms of time and content. Additionally, DIPF organises training courses for educational professionals, accredited by the Hessian Teachers' Academy, such as the annual Frankfurt Forum on school-related topics.
Contact: info@dipf.de