Communal Educational Monitoring
In a subproject of the BMBF Programme “Lernen vor Ort“ (“Learning in the Community“), which is funded for a duration of three years, the project team will develop and establish an “Communal Educational Monitoring“ in 40 participating communities.
Conceptualising and Establishing a Governance Instrument at the Community Level
Educational Monitoring at the Community Level (KBM) is a project within the framework programme for “Learning in the community“ (LvO), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) – the LvO initiative was jointly launched by BMBF and German foundations. Educational monitoring can be understood as a continuous, largely data-based process of observing and analysing an education system in its entirety as well as its individual components, for the purpose of informing educational policy and the public regarding framework conditions, process characteristics, outcomes and benefits of educational processes. The KBM project and participating communities (districts, local authorities) are creating a foundation for a coherent educational management and for evidence-based educational policy.
“Kommunales Bildungsmonitoring (KBM)“ aims to advise local authorities on implementing monitoring activities and preparing concrete products, for instance educational reports, and to support them respectively. The products generated by the communities within the framework of educational monitoring are meant to identify general problems and offer an empirical foundation for the information on educational processes in the communities, thus providing valid governance knowledge for a holistic, coherent educational management regarding education across the lifespan – as well as contributing to improving the quality of education at community level.
In a first funding phase (2009 until 2012) the project team at DIPF supported 40 participating local authorities in their analytical, indicator-based realisation of educational monitoring at the community level by
- intensive process-related scientific advice given to local authorities,
- customised trainings and conferences.
The second funding phase (2012 until 2014) deals with the further development of data-based educational monitoring at the community level in 35 municipalities in Germany. The KBM team at DIPF will thus focus on the following priority fields of work:
I. Continuation of scientific advice and support:
- Counselling and support of LvO communities in continuing and improving respectively enhancing their ongoing educational monitoring, Particularly regarding the development of strategies for designing a correlation between local educational monitoring and local educational management.
- Conceptualising and conducting training courses aiming to deliver scientific-academic foundations, for continuing analytic, indicator-based realisations of educational monitoring at the community level, including social sphere analyses, operationalising educational processes and informal learning activities, as well as the further development of output indicators. Particular attention will be paid to aspects relating to the implementation of monitoring outcomes into management activities and the development of respective management strategies.
- Preparation of materials supporting local authorities participating in the eproject LvO.
II. Transfer of the concept and of KBM experiences beyond LvO:
- Preparation respectively compilation of practice-proven materials for educational monitoring at the community level and the correlation of educational monitoring and educational management (e.g. guidelines, workshop reports, methodological instruction) for the counseling activities of transfer agencies / other structures.
- Conceptualising and realising training courses focusing on “conceptualisation and realisation of educational monitoring at the community level” and “implementation of monitoring outcomes in coherent educational management“. Furthermore, it is possible to conduct training workshops focusing on specific thematic aspects concerning experiences gained from LvO communities.
- Advice and support of transfer agency staff/staff working in other structures in implementing training strategies for setting up and running educational monitoring at the community level.
Participating communities are advised by the KBM consortium. Members of the consortium are the German Institute for International Educational Research, the Federal Statistical Office, the statistical office of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the German Institute for Adult Education and Syncwork AG/Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH.
(only in German; status July 2013)
- Aachen, Städteregion: Erster Bildungsbericht der StädteRegion Aachen
- Barnim, Landkreis
- Borken, Kreis: Bildungsbericht 2011 für den Kreis Borken
- Bremen, Freie Hansestadt & Bremerhaven, Stadt Bildungsbericht 2012 (Band 1)
- Dessau-Roßlau, Stadt: Bildungsbericht Dessau-Roßlau 2011
- Dresden, Landeshauptstadt: 1. Dresdner Bildungsbericht2012
- Duisburg, Stadt: Bildung in Duisburg: 1.Teilbericht Elementar- /Primarbereich (2011)
- Elbe-Elster, Landkreis: Bildung im Landkreis Elbe-Elster. Erster kommunaler Bildungsbericht 2012
- Erfurt, Landeshauptstadt: Bildung in Erfurt 2012. Erste Befunde
- Essen, Stadt: Der Bildungsbericht 2011
- Frankfurt am Main, Stadt: Bildung in Frankfurt am Main, 2012 (erhältlich im Stadtschulamt)
- Freiburg im Breisgau, Stadt: Bildung in Freiburg 2008; Bildung in Freiburg 2010; Werkstattbericht. Bildung und Migration in Freiburg 2012
- Görlitz, Landkreis: 1. Bildungsbericht 2012
- Hamburg, Freie und Hansestadt: Bildungsbericht Hamburg 2011
- Heidekreis: Bildung im Heidekreis 2012
- Herne, Stadt: Kommunaler Bildungsbericht Stadt Herne 2008; Bildung in Herne 2011. 2. Herner Bildungsbericht
- Kaufbeuren, Stadt: Thematische Analyse. Bildung als Standortfaktor, 2012
- Köln, Stadt: Kölner Bildungsbericht – Bildungsmonitoring 2012
- Kyffhäuserkreis: Bildung im Kyffhäuserkreis 2011
- Leipzig, Stadt: Bildungsreport Leipzig 2010; Bildungsreport Leipzig 2012
- Lindau, Landkreis: Bildungsbericht 2012 für den Landkreis Lindau (Bodensee)
- Lippe, Kreis: Bildung im Kreis Lippe 2010; Bildung im Kreis Lippe 2012
- Lübeck, Hansestadt: Erster Bildungsbericht der Hansestadt Lübeck
- Mannheim, Stadt: Wir haben vieles. Außer Lust zu warten. 1. Mannheimer Bildungsbericht 2010; Vom Ziel her denken. 2. Mannheimer Bildungsbericht 2013
- Mühldorf am Inn, Landkreis: 1. Bildungsbericht 2012
- München, Landeshauptstadt: Münchner Bildungsbericht 2010
- Müritz, Landkreis: Bildung im Landkreis Müritz. 1. Bildungsbericht 2011
- Nürnberg, Stadt: Bildung in Nürnberg 2011. Erster Bildungsbericht der Stadt Nürnberg
- Offenbach, Stadt: Erziehung und Bildung in Offenbach 2011; Datenbericht Bildung 2012
- Osnabrück, Stadt: Soziale Ungleichheit in Osnabrück
- Osnabrück, Landkreis: Bildungsbericht für den Landkreis Osnabrück
- Recklinghausen, Kreis: Bildungsbericht Recklinghausen 2011
- Rems-Murr-Kreis: Bildung im Rems-Murr-Kreis. Erster Bildungsbericht 2012
- Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis: Bildung im Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis 2010
- Saarbrücken, Regionalverband: 1. Bildungsbericht für den Regionalverband Saarbrücken
- Speyer, Stadt
- Stade, Landkreis: Bildung im Landkreis Stade
- Trier, Stadt: 1. Trierer Bildungsbericht,
- Vorpommern-Greifswald, Landkreis: Erster Bildungsbericht des Landkreises Vorpommern-Greifswald
Further communal education reports
(only in German; status July 2013)
- Arnsberg, Stadt: Bildung in Arnsberg 2010
- Augsburg, Stadt: Erster Augsburger Bildungsbericht 2008; 2. Bildungsbericht Augsburg 2012
- Bad Salzuflen, Stadt: Bildungsbericht Bad Salzuflen 2010, Grunddaten der allgemeinbildenden Schulen
- Bielefeld, Stadt: Kommunaler Lernreport 2012
- Dortmund, Stadt: Erster kommunaler Bildungsbericht für die Schulstadt Dortmund – 2007
- Emsland, Landkreis: Regionaler Bildungsbericht 2008 für den Landkreis Emsland; 2. Regionaler Bildungsbericht 2012 für den Landkreis Emsland
- Erlangen, Stadt: Erlanger Bildungsbericht 2010
- Gelsenkirchen, Stadt: Erster Bildungsbericht Gelsenkirchen 2011
- Gütersloh, Kreis: Bildungsbericht für den Kreis Gütersloh
- Halle (Saale), Stadt: Bildungsbericht 2009
- Hannover, Landeshauptstadt: Kommunale Bildungsplanung in der Landeshauptstadt Hannover 2009
- Heidelberg Stadt: Bericht Schule und Bildung Heidelberg 2011/2012
- Heilbronn, Stadt: 1. Bildungsbericht der Stadt Heilbronn 2010; 2. Bildungsbericht der Stadt Heilbronn 2012
- Ingolstadt, Stadt: Bildungsbericht 2009
- Lich, Stadt: 1. Bildungsbericht der Stadt Lich 2008
- Neumünster, Stadt: Bildungsbericht 2012. Bildung und Erziehung in Neumünster
- Oberhausen, Stadt: Erster indikatorengestützter Bildungsbericht für Oberhausen 2011
- Ostalbkreis: Bildung im Ostalbkreis 2011
- Ravensburg, Stadt: Bildungsbericht der Stadt Ravensburg 2009
- Ravensburg, Landkreis: Bildung im Landkreis Ravensburg – Erster Bildungsbericht 2008; Bildung im Landkreis Ravensburg – Zweiter Bildungsbericht 2012
- Rodgau, Stadt: Bildung in Rodgau 2010
- Schwäbisch Gmünd, Stadt: Bildung in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Erster indikatorengestützter Bericht. Bildung im Lebenslauf. 2010
- Sigmaringen, Landkreis: Bildung im Landkreis Sigmaringen. Ersten kommunaler Bildungsbericht 2012
- Tübingen, Stadt: Bildungsbericht 2002 bis 2006; Bildungsbericht 2007 bis 2011
- Wolfsburg, Stadt: Bildung in Wolfsburg 2011. 1. Bildungsbericht der Stadt Wolfsburg
- Zollernalbkreis: Bildungslandschaft Zollernalbkreis. Bildungsbericht 2011
Regional and federal state educational reports
(only in German)
Educational report Ruhr 2012
Educational reports of the Laender
National educational reports
National educational report Germany 2012
National educational report Switzerland 2010
The Condition of Education 2010 (USA) (pdf)
National educational report Austria 2012 (vol 1) (pdf)
National educational report Austria 2012 (vol 2) (pdf)
Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2009 (pdf)Financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). The Projektträger im Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (PT-DLR, Project Management Agency – part of the German Aerospace Center) , a member of Helmholz Association, manages the programme on behalf of the BMBF. PT-DLR and the office of the liaison of foundations jointly co-ordinate all activities in the programme.
Status: Completed ProjectsDepartment: Educational Governance Duration: 04/2009 – 08/2014Funding: External funding