ABIBA | Meta – Overcoming Educational Barriers: Learning Environments, Educational Success and Social Participation

The aim of the project is to network and support the research projects on the reduction of educational barriers, to produce research syntheses on previous knowledge, to conduct research on transfer and to communicate the new findings.

Accompanying Design and Research for the Startchancen Programme

In the research network “Scientific support and research for the Startchancen programme”, scientists from 19 institutions accompany and support the federal states and the federal government in the implementation of the Startchancen programme in an evidence-based and needs-based manner.

alea.schule – Platform for Formative Assessment

Computer-based assessment can be precious by allowing instant feedback to teachers and students, for instance, in formative assessment contexts.

AMSel – ADHS-Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Self-Regulation Interventions

In AMSel we are conducting a meta-analysis on previous studies on the effectiveness of SR training for the emotional and academic well-being of students with ADHD.

ASK – Alignment and School Development Capacities from the Perspective of Schools and School Supervisors

How do principals and school supervisory authorities work together to promote development at schools in socially challenging situations? What opportunities and challenges do they face? These and further questions are explored in the project.

BIJU – Learning Processes, Educational Careers, and Psychosocial Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood Study

The BIJU project assesses the development of adolescents and young adults placing a focus on the development of specific, particularly school-related contexts.

BiPra-Text – Bilingual Practices for Text Comprehension and Production

The project compares monolingual and bilingual learning environments for multilingual pupils in fourth and fifth grade in German-English bilingual schools.

BiSS-Transfer – Education Through Language and Writing

Education through Language and Writing (Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift, BiSS) is a research and development programme, in which groups of child day care centres and schools work together closely in order to exchange their experiences and to implement coordinated language education measures. In March 2020 the second phase of the project ("BiSS-Transfer") has been started.

BiTraInter-DBS – Feasibility Study: Strengthening a Bi-directional Knowledge Transfer on the German Education Server Using International Best Practices

The exploratory study examines best practices to support the exchange of knowledge between educational practice and research. For this purpose, international bi-directional transfer structures are being analysed and their transferability to the German Education Server is evaluated.

BONUS study: Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the Bonus Program for schools in challenging circumstances in Berlin

The aim of the BONUS study is the scientific monitoring and evaluation of the Bonus Program. In this Program the state of Berlin provides funding to schools in challenging circumstances in order to reduce the influence of family background on educational success.

BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development

The Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development (BRISE) systematically investigates the effects of early childhood intervention. BRISE systematically links early childhood and preschool programmes into a chain of interventions.

Campus Schools Frankfurt

How can educational researchers, school practitioners and (initial) teacher training in Frankfurt and the surrounding area collaborate and benefit from each other with a long-term perspective? In the Campus Schools Programme, we are establishing strong and sustainable collaborations at the interface between theory and practice and develop them further together.

CERES – Connecting the EdTech Research EcoSystem

CERES is an international research network that brings together and supports various efforts to develop digital learning technologies. The network creates collaborative opportunities to advance science in the field of children and technology quickly and effectively.

CIDER IV – College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research

The College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER) is an interdisciplinary program for promoting early career researchers in the field of empirical educational research – especially at the beginning of their postdoc phase. CIDER aims to foster their independence and to support interdisciplinary networking and collaborations.

COACTIV-expeRt – Development and Impact of Teachers’ Professional Competence – A Longitudinal Study over 10 Years

Building on the COACTIV-R study on the development of teachers' professional competence during career entry, the COACTIV-expeRt study examines factors of longer-term professionalisation and indicators of professional success of the teachers, who now have an average of 10 years of professional experience.

CORE – Critical Thinking in Online Learning Environments in Higher Education

The project investigates the critical use of digital media and information by students. Text and process data are collected using a digital assessment platform and evaluated using machine learning analyses in order to identify correlations between test scores, solution processes and Internet resources used.

Digi-EBF II – Meta-Project "Digital Education II"

The project alliance Digi-EBF II supports research projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) that focus on digital education. DIPF is engaged in the project part "Research Syntheses for Science and Practice".

DiSO – Digital Teaching/Learning & Student Outcomes: A Second Order Meta-Analysis

To open up the research field of effectiveness studies on digital media in learning, we are currently conducting a review study in the form of a meta-synthesis. To this end, we are quantitatively integrating the findings of international meta-analyses with the goal of examining the effectiveness of different digital media in learning for different target groups.

DYNAMIC – Dynamic Network Approach of Mental Health in Children and Adolescents

In DYNAMIC, the DIPF examines dynamic relations between various determinants of mental health in children and adolescents over time. The aim is to identify risk constellations at an early stage in order to develop personalised, adaptive interventions.

E-CER – In Search for the Good Teacher – Centre for Excellence in Research

What are the characteristics of a "good" teacher? Researchers from six countries are investigating this question. They are supported by the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Funding is provided by the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).