EABU – Emergence and Reducation of Educational Inequalities in Childhood and Adolescence

The research group aims to identify the causes of educational inequalities, analyse changes over time and identify the risks and opportunities of digitalization to reduce educational inequalities.

EAGLeS – English Acquisition in German Learning Disabled Students

The project EAGLeS examines 5th and 6th graders’ acquisition of English as a foreign language literacy (reading, spelling, grammar) in regard to systematic differences between students with poor native German literacy and their non-afflicted peers. Additionally, a standardized test measuring English as a foreign language literacy will be developed and validated.

edu_consort_oa – Project Network Open Access Consortium Education for E-books and Journals

The project network promotes an Open Access culture in educational science and addresses funding in particular. It comprises three projects: crowdfunding for monographs and collections, crowdfunding for journals, and knowledge transfer.

Educational choices and educational pathways within the context of structural changes in Berlin’s secondary school system (BERLIN study)

The BERLIN study evaluates the structural reform of Berlin‘s secondary school system. This reform merged the two non-academic tracks (Hauptschule, Realschule) as well as the comprehensive track (Gesamtschule) into one new track (Integrierte Sekundarschule, ISS) while retaining the academic track (Gymnasium). Another feature of the reform is a new organization of the transition procedure from primary to secondary school.

EffecT – Explaining Inconsistent Effects of Teaching Quality on Educational Outcomes

The aim of the project is to identify aspects contributing to divergent results in teaching quality research. These aspects will be systematized to subsequently determine their relative contribution to the heterogeneity of effects.

EiKlar – EEG in the classroom

The EiKlar project investigates learning processes using neurophysiological measures. The aim of the project is to gain a better understanding of learning processes inside the classroom.

Evaluation of the preparatory service in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

The project examines the effects of the preparatory service reforms for teachers in North Rhine-Westphalia, which were implemented in 2012. In addition, current questions and developments in teacher training are investigated in more detail, such as digitalization or side entry.

FID – Specialised Information Service “Educational Science and Educational Research”

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding this project to lift the provision with educational scientific literature and other sources that are relevant to educational research onto a higher level.

FLINK – How to Read Fluently: Individual Intervention of Reading Competencies

The Project FLINK aims at investigating a computerised reading fluency training for children with average and below average reading proficiency in Grades 3 to 6. Up to 54 training sessions are offered within a school year. FLINK will be accompanied by regularly administered learning diagnostics, can be presented in group settings and handled mostly autonomously by the participants.

ForSynData – Guidelines for FAIR and Reusable Research Syntheses in Psychology and Educational Science

The project aims to standardise the documentations of research synthesis types and the thus generated heterogeneous data. This will promote a sustainable archiving in research data centres and improve the reproducibility and reusability of such data.

Fostering User Orientation by Web Monitoring and Research

User orientation of information and research infrastructures at the Information Centre for Education (IZB) is fundamental for the quality assurance and development of services. A systematic monitoring and innovative research are provided to fulfil such a claim.

GamA – Gamified Assessment

Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. The project Gamified Assessment investigates the role of gamification elements in testing situations.

GEN-CORE – Generic Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education

The project measures the ability of students to find and evaluate information on the internet and form coherent arguments from it. In a longitudinal study design, participants use the free internet while their behaviour is measured via log data, e.g. websites visited and search engine entries.

GesUB – Research Synthesis on the Genesis of Social Inequalities in Educational Attainment

GREAT – Games Realising Effective & Affective Transformation

By using collaborative design and citizen science methods, the GREAT project investigates the actual and potential impact of games on European societies. The aim is to gain insights into the innovative use of games to promote the social commitment of citizens in EU countries.

GTS-Bilanz – Quality of All-day Provisions. Perspectives after 15 Years of Research on All-day Schools

The project “Quality of All-day Provisions” opens up new perspectives after 15 years of research on All-day Schools. Further analyses of empirical data, literature reviews and knowledge transfer from research to practice will contribute to the development of the quality of all-day schools.

Hector – Scientific Support for the Hector Children's Academies in Hessen and Baden-Württemberg

Hector Children’s Academies are extracurricular institutions that offer support to gifted children under the age of ten; they endorse a holistic approach. The aim of the project is a scientific monitoring of the support program. This includes the support of the implementation, the evaluation of the courses offered, the investigation of related scientific questions and the qualification of the coordinators of the Hector Children's Academies.

HyTea – Model for Hybrid Teaching

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can provide automated, personalized feedback in real time to learners in distance learning when no human expert is available.

IDeA Taskforce Recruitment – Participation in Research Projects of the IDeA Centre

As part of this project, various activities are carried out to encourage families, students and teachers to actively participate in the IDeA Centre's studies.

IGNITE– Intercultural Comparison between German and Nigerian Teachers’ Understanding of Inclusive Education for Autistic Students

IGNITE explores dimensions of teachers' competences for implementing inclusive practices for autistic students in Germany and Nigeria. The project aims to compare Nigerian and German teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, motivation and practices regarding inclusive education for autistic students.