INCLASS – Inclusion of Children on the Autism Spectrum in School

In the INCLASS project, three tools are being developed to support school staff in mainstream schools in implementing autism-sensitive inclusive teaching: a digital training platform and a self-assessment tool, as well as a smartphone app to identify individual barriers of individual autistic children.

INFLATE – School Grades: Between Inflation, Stability and Deflation

School grades are an essential part of everyday school life and play a central role in school and post-school transitions. The INFLATE project examines the frequently expressed assumption of an inflationary awarding of grades over time with regard to the underlying competencies.

InSel – Recognise Internalising Symptoms and Respond Professionally

In the InSel project, we investigate how well teachers can recognise internalising symptoms in their students. In addition, we develope and test a psychoeducational intervention for teachers regarding internalising behaviour problems in school children.

IWWB-PLUS: InfoWebWeiterbildung – Personalised search area for the learning environment

The IWWB-PLUS project is supported by the INVITE funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Re-search and contributes to strengthening further education in Germany. It focuses on the aim of enhancing the appeal and usability of the established continuing education search platform InfoWebWeiterbildung (IWWB). Innovative technology will be implemented in this regard, as well as enabling interoperability with other services in the area of continuing education.

KI-Lit-Edu – AI Indexing at Literature Information Systems for Educational Research

The project aims to develop an AI based recommender system with automated keyword generation based on a controlled vocabulary. The system will be integrated into in-house systems. The development of a service for external parties is also envisaged.

KoaLa – Cognitively Activating and Collaborative Learning Opportunities

The KoaLa project is concerned with researching and designing cognitively activating and collaborative learning opportunities in schools in challenging circumstances. The project is part of the nationwide research network "Schule macht stark" (SchuMaS).

KonsortSWD – Consortium for the Social, Behavioural, Educational, and Economic Sciences

DIPF and several cooperation partners are engaged in setting up a national research data infrastructure for the social, behavioural, educational and economic sciences in the NFDI context.

KonsortSWD Helpdesk – A Guide in the Network of Research Data Infrastructures

A single point of access simplifies access to the various data infrastructures organized within KonsortSWD. A helpdesk provides targeted contacts and refers to offers and information from the data infrastructures in the social, educational, behavioural, and economic sciences that are part of KonsortSWD.

KONTEXT Grundschule – Cooperatively Created InfoTEXTs for Primary Schools

Teachers have practical expertise, researchers have research knowledge. We bring both together – on an information website for primary school teachers. Science and school practitioners jointly create a digital information service with practice-relevant topics related to low performing students.

LEGA – Elementary School Age Reading Strategies

The LEGA study investigates the use of reading strategies applied by elementary school children. Strategy usage is compared across grades and related to available vocabulary and contextual information. The aim of the study is to understand more about the conditions under which efficient (retrieval-) strategies, which are essential for fluent reading, are used and how this usage can be supported.

lernen:digital – Competence Network for a Digital Transformation of Schools and Teacher Training

The competence network "lernen:digital" (“digital learning”) organises 24 project networks nationwide, which set up teacher trainings, teaching material and school development concepts for digitally supported teaching. Materials will be made accessible as Open Educational Resources.

LONDI 2 – Implementation and Evaluation of the LONDI Platform for Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disorders

LONDI is an online platform for the diagnosis and remediation of developmental disorders of scholastic skills and related difficulties. The joint project LONDI 2 aims to make this online platform usable and to evaluate it. The aim is a wide dissemination of the platform and an effective and sustainable use especially at primary schools but also in therapy and by parents.

MASK – Modeling of Integrated Academic-Language Compentences

The aim of the MASK project is the empirical foundation of the competence construct that underlies the successful completion of integrated academic-language tasks in a context of English as second language. The current project is a continuation of the first project phase that has been running since 01/2020. The core element is the development and testing of valid criteria for the assessment of integrated writing products, which can be used to comprehensively and differentially record the skills required for successful task completion.

Mental Health in School

The project "Mental Health in School" will set up an online platform for children, youth and practitioners to provide easy access to cross-departmental and specific assessments and methods to support mental health in the school context.

MILES-HuGS – Primary and Secondary Social Background Effects at Different Points of Transition in the Education System

The project examines social disparities in educational success.

ML2MT – From Machine Learning to Machine Teaching – Making Machines AND Humans Smarter

The project takes a look at developments in human-machine interaction in education and aims to derive generalizable socio-technological and psychological findings as well as make recommendations to further improve human-machine interaction.

MORAL – Socio-Moral Development of Children and Adolescents

The research project MORAL investigates the socio-moral development of children and adolescents with a strong focus on intergroup processes and social cognition. Another focus of the project is the training of educators and teachers regarding social exclusion among children and adolescents.

MotivO – Reading Motivation and Reading Achievement across Orthographies

The Project MotivO aims at investigating and comparing motivational aspects of reading achievement across orthographies (German vs. Hebrew). Within the context of a cooperation project, German and Israeli 2nd and 4th Graders will be compared regarding their reading motivation and reading achievement in a cross-language research design to detect positive or negative feelings towards reading as well as changes across time.

MoviA – Model Project for Testing and Implementing Virtual Exhibitions

The model project MoviA intends to test how the digital product portfolio of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education can be expanded to include virtual exhibitions.

MYSKILLS – Identifying Professional Competencies (BKE)

The project developed tests that enable people with low formal qualifications to demonstrate their vocational skills. They are currently being used in educational institutes to facilitate the placement of people without (recognised) certification in jobs.