National Report on Education

The national report on education periodically presents a major empirical review which covers the entire German education system.

NEOS Study – Scientific Monitoring of the New Upper Secondary School in Schleswig-Holstein

The NEOS study monitors the newly conceptualised upper secondary school in Schleswig-Holstein scientifically. The aim of the monitoring is to provide information relevant to steering with regard to acceptance, evaluation of success, implementation and school support needs concerning the innovations.

NEPS – National Educational Panel Study, stage 5

In modern knowledge-based societies, education is a key prerequisite for economic growth and well-being as well as for coping with new demands in a rapidly changing, globalised world. The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) is conducted for the Federal Republic of Germany to find out more about the acquisition of education and its consequences for individual lives, to describe and analyse central educational processes and pathways across the entire lifespan. The National Educational Panel Study is located at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories e.V. (LIfBi) at Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg. NEPS represents an interdisciplinary, German-wide network of excellence, its coordination and administration is chaired by Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Roßbach.

NEPS TBT: Work Package Technology Based Testing

As a consortium partner, the DIPF contributes to the planning and implementation of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). One of focal point of this project is the work package on Technology-Based Testing (TBT).

OERinfo – community platform for Open Educational Resources

OERinfo is a project that provides infrastructures for spreading Open Educational Resources (OER), in many information and communication formats. OER offers services for building competences to strengthen and expand the OER community.

OFFZIB – Open Citation Data for Educational Research

In this DFG-funded project, citation data is automatically extracted from educational research publications and made available as a service of the central literature reference database FIS Bildung free of charge and linked to literature references.

PaTH – Participative Knowledge Transfer between University and School Practice

In the PaTH project, we investigate how educational research and school practice work together in Germany. We aim to understand the potentials, challenges, and developmental processes associated with such collaboration.

Peers4Practice – A Tandem approach for Early Career Teachers and Researchers

Peers4Practice strengthens the exchange of educational research and school practice. Tandem teams, consisting of an education researcher and a teacher, work closely together for a period of 18 months. The participants become brokers between educational research and school practice.

PISA-LDW – Assessing Competencies for Learning in the Digital World

As part of the innovative domain in PISA 2025 "Learning in the Digital World" (LDW), the project researches and develops innovative approaches to the diagnostic use of behavioural data from digital learning and assessment environments.

PREDICT – Prediction Generation as a Tool to Activate Children’s Prior Knowledge and Improve Learning

This project evaluates the potential of asking students to generate predictions to improve their learning. Further, it investigates the mechanisms that determine its success and asks whether there are age-related differences in its effectiveness.

PROM3THEUS – Practical Orientation, Methodology, and Theory Development in Educational Research

As part of this joint project, a series of events will be organised for early career scientist in educational research. The three planned interdisciplinary conferences on core aspects of scientific work such as theory, methodology, and transfer to practice will be accompanied by a peer and mentoring programme.

PROMPT – Optimizing Self-Regulated Learning Processes With Digital Prompts

The PROMPT project focuses on developing an evidence-based, child-friendly learning planner app that supports school children in self-regulated learning with digital media.

PuS-SeL – Problem solving and Strategies – Self-regulation of Learning

The PuS-SeL project investigates components, influence factors and approaches to promote self-regulation of learning among primary school children.

QuaD-GT – Research-based Dialogue regarding the Quality of Extracurricular Activities

In collaboration with policymakers and practitioners, the project develops guidelines for high-quality extracurricular activities, which are published in print and online.

QualiBi – Development of a research data platform for qualitative educational research

In accordance with the FAIR data principles, this cooperation project addresses the sustainable use and reusability of distributed qualitative datasets by establishing a user-oriented data portal for educational research.

RABE 2 – Risk Factors and Consequences of Learning Difficulties up to Early Adulthood

The project RABE 2 examines the persistence and the psychosocial consequences of scholastic learning disabilities from primary school age up to young adulthood. The study focusses risk factors and consequences of learning disorders but will also look at participant’s coping strategies.

ReCo – Automatically Processing Text Responses from Assessments

The projects of the ReCo team centre around text responses. For example, the ReCo software automatically assesses whether a response in the PISA test in correct. The team provides a range of apps from automatic and semi-automatic coding of responses to on-the-fly usage in the classroom without any evaluation.

ReTransfer – Re-innovation and transfer of digital disciplinary concepts in social science teacher education in the context of digital sovereignty and open educational practices

In the joint project, didactic standards for the configuration of digital disciplinary concepts in the context of applicable digital teacher training courses are being formulated at six university locations in cooperation with the DIPF and the state institutes.

Rocket – The Role of Orthographic Knowledge in Reading and Spelling Development

The project investigates the contribution of orthographic knowledge in the individual reading and spelling development of German-speaking second-graders. Other relevant predictors of written language acquisition, such as phonological awareness, auditory memory and naming speed, are also being assessed as part of the project.

SchiWa – Schools in Times of Change

Schools in Times of Change (Schule im Wandel, SchiWa) started with a preliminary study for larger-scale mixed-method studies of the systematic and historical assessment of change in the German school system.