SchuMaS - Schule macht stark

The research alliance “SchuMaS – Schule macht stark” accompanies and supports the development of 200 primary and secondary schools in challenging circumstances across Germany.

Stereo-Disk — Stereotypes as Obstacles for Professional Diagnostics in an Inclusive School Context

The project Stereo-Disk investigates how stereotypes of teachers in inclusive school contexts affect students' assessments and develops support formats to reduce their influence.

Stereo-no-GO – Gender- and Origin-based Inequalities in Programs for Gifted Children

The project Stereo-no-GO examines inequalities based on gender and origin in the STEM fields and in programs for gifted children.

SYNERGIE – Systematic, Sustainable and Evidence-Oriented Professional Development in Schools

The SYNERGIE project aims to qualify school administrators to plan professional development activities tailored to their schools' needs. To this end, a modular professional development series for principlas is being developed and evaluated.

TaLC – Teacher Language in Classrooms

In the TaLC project, we examine the language used by teachers in the classroom. We are particularly interested in teaching quality characteristics and possible biases in teachers´ language. The overarching aim is to better understand the mechanisms of language in the classroom.

The Multidimensional Self-concept in School Contexts: Extending Empirical Findings

This project aims to extend existing empirical self-concept research and theory in school contexts. For this purpose, open research questions are considered, focusing on the internal structure of self-concept, its determination, outcome relations, and gender and age effects.

Thinking Education Across Borders – Wilhelm Rein's Pedagogical Correspondence Estate

The BBF prepares the pedagogical letter estate of the educationalist Wilhelm Rein as a digital source corpus and makes it permanently available as a reusable resource via its editing platform.

TPL-basics – Conditions of acquiring operational knowledge for solving technical problems

Through technical innovation, new appliances, such as smart home systems, find their way into our everyday life. However, before we can use them purposefully, we often have to learn how to handle them appropriately. In the project TPL-basics, we are investigating this acquisition of operational knowledge.

Transformation of the Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB) into an Open Access Journal

In the project funded by the DFG, the »Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB)« will be transformed into a a hybrid – print and online – open access journal. Thus, the continuity of the JHB will be ensured and at same time raised to a new technical level in terms of digital scholarly communication and the digital humanities.

ViolAA – Teachers‘ Reaction to Norm Violations at School

Using different methodological approaches (experimental vignette studies, ambulatory assessment and behavioural observations), this project examines teachers‘ reactions to students‘ misbehavior at school.

WieSeL – Knowledge, Application, Promotion: Self-Regulation Competence of Teachers

The WieSeL project deals with the self-regulatory competence of teachers. The focus is on identifying which aspects of teacher competence support teachers’ promotion of self-regulation of learning among their students.

zEbra – Social Belonging in the Real and Digital World

The project zEbra examines the associations between the use of social media and well-being among children and adolescents. Measuring instruments are being developed that validly assess smartphone use of different social media platforms and the social interactions that take place online.

ZIB – Centre for International Student Assessment

The Centre for International Student Assessment (ZIB) joins the implementation of the PISA studies in Germany and German research on international large-scale assessments.