Accompanying Design and Research for the Startchancen Programme

In the research network “Scientific support and research for the Startchancen programme”, scientists from 19 institutions accompany and support the federal states and the federal government in the implementation of the Startchancen programme in an evidence-based and needs-based manner.

Project Description

To ensure that the Startchancen programme achieves its goals, the network aims to activate the various bodies of knowledge and logics of action at all levels of the education system and identify conditions for success and examples of good practice.

At an individual level, the network contributes to improving the educational and participation opportunities of socio-economically disadvantaged children and young people: Resource-oriented diagnostic materials, adaptive materials and diversity-sensitive concepts for personality and skills development are compiled and further developed or redeveloped in cooper-ation with the actors in the system in an evidence-based and needs-oriented manner.

At the institutional level, schools with structural disadvantages are supported in their data-based, performance-enhancing and diversity-sensitive school and teaching development, particularly in three dimensions: subject-related, interdisciplinary and in relation to social space-related, multi-professional organisational development. In close coordination with those responsible in the federal states, the network prepares concepts and materials, interlinks them and advises and supports the networks initiated by the federal states (i.e. multipliers with expertise in school development or subject-related teaching development in mathematics/language).

On a systemic level, the Startchancen programme assists the support systems and education administrations in the federal states in the further development and implementation of binding and constructive cooperation formats. In close cooperation with the responsible federal and state authorities, the network develops the knowledge required for effective, increasingly stronger alignment of all levels of players and creates coherent structures. 

Structure of the Network 

The structure of the network comprises competence centres cooperating with the federal states (data-supported quality development, interdisciplinary learning and vocational orientation, multi-professional school development in social spaces, language education, mathematics), a governance centre and transfer and transformation hubs. These cooperate with the federal states and the federal government via regional governance boards. In the competence centres, concepts and materials for teaching and school development as well as networking are compiled, further developed or newly developed in line with requirements and linked to existing state measures. To this end, educational staff are supported and trained and multipliers are advised, supported and further qualified. The different institutional conditions for this work in the countries are addressed by the transfer and transformation hubs by taking existing potential and needs into account. The Governance Centre complements this support by, among other things, jointly reflecting on context-specific management processes. The network is steered by a collegial network management and overall coordination.

Project Objectives

The overarching goal of the research network is to provide coherent, scientific monitoring and support for the Startchancen programme for schools with structural disadvantages, taking into account state-specific conditions. In close coordination and cooperation with the support systems of the federal states (including school boards and local authorities, school supervisory authorities, ministries, any foundations involved, etc.), the network provides essential impetus for the sustainable and evidence-based development of schools, teaching and support systems in order to jointly achieve the goals of the Startchancen programme.


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  • Humboldt University Berlin (Prof. Dr. Uta Klusmann)
  • Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (IQB) – Scientific Institution of the federal states at Humboldt University Berlin e.V. (Prof. Dr. Petra Stanat)
  • Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) Berlin (Prof. Dr. Susanne Prediger)
  • Ruhr University Bochum (Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bellenberg)
  • Chemnitz University of Technology (Prof. Dr. Michael Krelle)
  • Technical University of Dortmund (Prof. Dr. Daniela Götze)
  • University of Duisburg-Essen (Prof. Dr. Isabell van Ackeren-Mindl)
  • Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Prof. Dr. Nina Bremm)
  • Goethe University Frankfurt (Prof. Dr. Charlotte Dignath)
  • University of Education Freiburg (Prof. Dr. Frank Reinhold)
  • University Hamburg (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kira Weber)
  • University of Cologne, Mercatore Institute for Literacy and Language Education (Prof. Dr. Jörg Jost)
  • University of Mannheim (Prof. Dr. Karina Karst)
  • German Youth Institute (Prof. Dr. Susanne Kuger)
  • University of Münster (Prof. Dr. Marcus Nührenbörger)
  • Osnabrück University (Prof. Dr. Hedwig Gasteiger)
  • Paderborn University (Prof. Dr. Lena Wessel)
  • University of Potsdam (Prof. Dr. Hanna Dumont, Prof. Dr. Dirk Richter)
  • University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. Kathrin Racherbäumer)

Project Management

Project Details

Current project
Areas of focus
Department: Educational Governance
Unit: Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
Education Sectors: Primary and Secondary Education, Science
10/2024 - 12/2034
External funding
Contact: Dr. Alexandra Marx, Head of Unit

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