Collaborative teacher practices of use for digital educational resources

The project inspects teachers’ user practices in dealing with digital teaching resources and particularly Open Educational Resources (OER). A needs-oriented further development of the Social-Bookmarking tool Edutags is targeted.

Project Description

The social-bookmarking tool was developed by DIPF and the Learning Lab at the University Duisburg-Essen in the context of the German Education Server. Teachers can use this solution for their individual resource management, to make available references to learning resources to others and for collaborative work – the resources can be annotated with relevant metadata. The current project investigates user practices concerning the teachers’ handling of digital resources for instructional purposes. How do teachers search for material? How do they keep the materials accessible? How do teachers process materials? How do they share material with colleagues, how do they perhaps make material publicly available to others? By researching these processes we will contribute to a needs-oriented development of respective resource pools. In the context of Edutags and its focus on Open Educational Resources (OER), a priority will be placed on OER lifecycles and related collaborative processes. How do teachers work collaboratively with educational resources and how do they technically proceed: where do they deposit their material, which tools do they use to process material, how do they make material available to others?

Project Objectives

Investigation of user practices concerning the teachers’ handling of digital resources for instructional purposes and further development of collaborative elements of Edutags in a needs-oriented way.


University of Duisburg-Essen, Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Mediendidaktik und Wissensmanagement

Project Details

Completed Projects
Department: Information Centre for Education
06/2021 – 07/2022