DiSO – Digital Teaching/Learning & Student Outcomes: A Second Order Meta-Analysis

To open up the research field of effectiveness studies on digital media in learning, we are currently conducting a review study in the form of a meta-synthesis. To this end, we are quantitatively integrating the findings of international meta-analyses with the goal of examining the effectiveness of different digital media in learning for different target groups.

  • A large body of research already exists on the wide range of research questions that this raises. Much of this evidence has been summarized in meta-analyses, each of which addressed specific aspects of the impact of digital media use in teaching and learning. We want to bring this knowledge together quantitatively to compare and examine what works, when, and for whom.

  • Given recent experiences related to school closures and digital home schooling, as well as the possibility to integrate digital media in the classroom, there is an urgent need to understand the impact that digital media have on student achievement and motivation. We address the question of what exactly makes digital media effective for learning. This refers to both: the types of technologies that are used and the ways in which they are used in practice.

    • until 10/2022:

    Logo DIPF

    • since 11/2022:

    Logo TU Dortmund

  • This project is being carried out in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz).

  • Status:
    Current project
    Area of Focus Education in the Digital World
    Department: Teacher and Teaching Quality
    Education Sector: Primary and Secondary Education
    05/2020 – 12/2024
    External funding