LAMASS@DiLea – Learning Analytics, Monitoring and Ambition for Study Success in Distance Learning

LAMASS@DiLea aims to investigate factors for study success and dropout in digital study formats and to find out how they interact.

Project Description

The investigation of factors influencing student success and dropout in digital study formats has so far received inadequate attention, both nationally and internationally. Existing data does not take into account the characteristics that relate to digital study formats in distance education. Due to their extensive use of digital teaching/learning formats, distance education institutions provide an ideal environment to develop a comparison group to face-to-face study and generate new knowledge on the effectiveness of digital higher education in terms of study success. Decisions to drop out will be considered in a multi-causal context. Here, the subjective as well as the curricular and institutional level will be considered as a basis for investigation.

The following questions will be raised:

  1. How do the influencing factors on the subjective, curricular and institutional levels affect study success or dropout in digital study formats?
  2. What characteristics and interactions can be empirically determined?
  3. How can the two study formats (digital and face-to-face) be compared using factor analysis?
  4. What are the interactions between these factors in digital study formats?

Project Objectives

One aim of the project is to find out factors in digital study formats that lead to study success and dropout. The project additionally explores the interactions of these study formats on the subjective, curricular and institutional levels. In the course of the project, researchers from the fields of educational science, computer science and economics will for the first time create a research and knowledge base in which factors for dropouts in digital study formats will be analyzed in a differentiated manner. In addition, sustainable recommendations for action will be reviewed. The interdisciplinary consortium partners are working together on a nationwide study on study success and dropout in digital study formats as well as on a comparative study. Depending on their research interests, each project partner is also running its own study module.


Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Project Management

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Drachsler

Project Team

Dr. Joshua Weidlich

Project Details

Completed Projects
Area of Focus Education in the Digital World
Department: Information Centre for Education
Unit: Educational Technologies
Education Sector: Higher Education
04/2021 – 03/2024
External funding
Contact: Dr. Joshua Weidlich, Post-doc Researcher