Stereo-no-GO – Gender- and Origin-based Inequalities in Programs for Gifted Children

The project Stereo-no-GO examines inequalities based on gender and origin in the STEM fields and in programs for gifted children.

Project Description

It has been shown that girls and children with an immigration background are underrepresented in the STEM fields as well as in programs for gifted children. This project investigates whether children’s and teachers’ stereotypic beliefs can help to explain these inequalities. The aim of the project is to improve the identification of gifted children in schools and to reduce origin- and gender-related stereotypes. Further, the results of the project are supposed to provide implications for approaches to encourage female students and children with immigration background to make use of their opportunities to explore the STEM fields.

Project Objectives

The main goal of the project is to reduce inequalities based on origin and gender, to enhance children’s interest in the STEM fields, and to support all gifted children regardless of their gender or their origin.


Logo Hector Stiftung II


This project is being carried out in cooperation with...

Project Management

Prof. Dr. Hanna Beißert

Project Team

Katharina Fink

Project Details

Current project
Areas of focus
Department: Teacher and Teaching Quality
Unit: Diversity and Education
Education Sector: Science
01/2020 – 12/2024
External funding
Contact: Prof. Dr. Hanna Beißert, Head of Unit
