Transformation of the Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB) into an Open Access Journal

In the project funded by the DFG, the »Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB)« will be transformed into a a hybrid – print and online – open access journal. Thus, the continuity of the JHB will be ensured and at same time raised to a new technical level in terms of digital scholarly communication and the digital humanities.

Project Description

The aim of the project is to transform the Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB) into an open access journal, which will be published both online and in print in cooperation with the Division History of Education at the DGfE (GERA) and the publisher Klinkhardt. This will ensure the continuity of the yearbook as the most important periodical on the history of education in the German-speaking area. As an electronic journal whose contents will be made available in the machine-readable jTEI format, the yearbook will take the development of the digital scholary communication and the digital humanities to a new level of quality in the field of educational historical research. The JHB is to be published in open access online and the print edition as a purchased copy (both under free license). All representations should be consistent with each other and and, for example, not have to be referenced as differing versions when cited. The journal shall be published in three equivalent forms: a) as a digital open access journal, b) as purchasable printed copy and c) as machine-readable jTEI/XML publication (also open access). It is planned to develop a combined solution of automatically generated and manually processed print templates. Parallel to the technical implementation, the project also aims at designing the journal in a way that allows texts to be scientifically cited or referenced using both conventional pagination and paragraph counting, without having to explicitly refer to the specific representation. In addition, the transformed JHB is intended to provide educational historical research with a sustainable publication infrastructure that is designed to integrate digitized sources as well as research data published online and to link with other publications. The integration of multimedia sources in the contributions will open up new possibilities for the community.

Website of the E-Journal

JHB – Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung



The project was funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation).

Project Management

Lars Müller

Project Team

Project Details

Current project
Areas of focus
Department: BBF | Research Library for the History of Education
Education Sector: Science
02/2022 - 09/2025
External funding
Contact: Lars Müller, Wissenschaftlicher Bibliothekar